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(Proverbs 31:25-26)
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."
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Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Reflecting on my schedule as a disciple
Dear everyone,

recently been admittedly lazier and less motivated to share my quiet times. been easily distracted by assignments and other worries. Today went for my medical jab in the morning as I was having a bad bout of vertigo again. However, as I was waiting in the hospital, I took the time to read my Bible and I was very inspired by what I read.

In 1 Corinthians 9:19-23, Paul preached about how he "make (himself) a slave to everyone, to win as many as possible." It made me reflect about how I have been trying to 'win as many as possible'. Sad to say, I am doing really the bare minimum. During a recent leader's meeting, Wai Yee asked the leaders to think about our sense of mission. When Jesus resurrected, he spent his next 40 days on Earth telling everyone to spread the Word. If we examine Jesus's life, we can see that Jesus spent so much time praying and going out to save the lost. 
So I decided to be numerical and look at how much time I spend reaching out. Let's say, I do 15min evangelism everyday and I sms/call my friends 15min. That will be 3.5 hours spent on evangelising. I have an appointment every week. So let's sae each appointment is about 3.5 hours long. So on average, I spend about 7 hours a week saving the lost. Let's also include my time thinking about the lost. Perhaps 10mins a dae when I pray for them. So another 70 minutes. So approximately I spend 8 plus hours thinking and working in my mission. Which is approx 1+ hour I spend average in a day about the lost. I spend more time online and answering/reading emails and let's not mention other things. 
Jesus and Paul and other apostles/disciples were heaving persecuted. They were not living in very comfortable surroundings. Yet they spent so much time being there for disciples. 
of course, I can think about: Jesus is a full-time ministry worker what. We have full-time jobs as working singles or students. Yup, that's true. However, let's do think about how we prioritize our time. Are we spending so much more time on our own pursuits in life and neglecting our mission? All of us have different talents that we can use for God but all of us are UNITED in one thing that God wants us to do. That is to win people and to bring people into a relationship with Jesus. 
I do strongly recommend all of us perhaps can go and calculate how much time we spend reaching out. It might be a very surprising answer. :) 

Love, Victoria
ranted by Jerraine @ 4:58 PM  
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