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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Wednesday, May 18, 2005 |
Modesty |
Hey peeps, I have been doing some research on the topic of modesty. It's quite interesting how different websites 'preached' different principles on modesty. And I found this website that said Christian women should not wear pants at all... Yep, no jeans, no shorts, no bermudas, zilch. I was laughing like mad... but it looked very convincing as the article by the woman quoted one bible verse after another. Maybe the woman will say I am a stubborn rebel. =P I do have my own convictions about modesty but not so extreme. Was doing some refreshing of my memory for such verses and as I was thinking deeply abt it, modesty is sth not restricted to physical appearance but also the inner heart - basically our thinking and behaviour. And I was thinking what might is immodesty in behaviour and thinking... And as I was reading, I realized one form of immodesty is lack of submissive spirit. Wah piang... I am already struggling with the issue of trusting God 100% and now this. Well, this two are very related and I realised that some of my behaviour in front of my brothers and sisters may not have been very modest. I'm someone who is used to quick decisions and abit 'gan jiong'-mama. I find it hard to trust people especially guys who take a long time to make decisions or when they have failed my trust in them several times (3 times usually my limit). And I need to have a sense of respect for them before I can be realli submissive to them - k my submissiveness here doesn't mean i let them do everything, decide everything ah - and support them... Immodesty in the physical appearance can be easy to overcome - just throw away the revealing clothes or modify the way we wear them. However, immodesty in the heart e.g. convictions on why we dun wanna let brothers be tempted, submissiveness, etc these are alot harder to achieve because we are so trained by the world that it is wrong to think this way, or we are 'brainwashed' if we believe in modesty in the godly sense. My heart needs to feel the want to obey God and the Word on such issues otherwise actions will be just actions without the convictions and it will be very easy to be tempted down the same old road again. And for me now, the verse on ephesians 5 is very good for my memory... especially verse 3 "but among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people." And tempting people is also a sin as well... It realli is sth I constantly need to remind myself because discipline is also sth I struggle with and it's not easy to keep up these convictions without a sense of discipline... Well, here's what I want to just share... hopefully it doesn't go down badly. =P |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:43 AM  |