Dear Father, God of Heaven,
Thank you God that you are not the Father of Lies but the Father of Promises. Thank you for being so merciful and loving to the undeserving me. Thank you for just wanting to give me peace by just praying to you even though I cause a lot of grief to you. Thank you for just wanting me to hug me in your arms though I have pushed you away so many times. Thank you for wanting to discipline me still even though I have been defiant again and again. Thank you for giving me countless chances to repair the mistakes I have made though these mistakes are often my own wrong choices. Thank you for 'installing' the Holy Spirit in me... Though I think I have definitely overworked it. I think it constantly works overtime to make sure I do not sound too arrogant and ungrateful in my everyday conversations with You. Thank you for just being there. Thank you for giving me a hope. Thank you Lord. In Jesus's name, Amen.
Labels: a thousand words has spoketh, in creative mode |