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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Thursday, September 30, 2004 |
My Letter To God |
Heh... I was inspired after reading one of very good friends, Jen's blog. She posted a couple of the letters that she wrote to God. Well, she's someone who wished to let others know her better but she felt she's not very good at it; thus she's trying her hand at blogging. Btw, her blog can be found at
Well, I am very inspired by her and thus I was digging up my past letters... Then I came upon this letter that I wrote when I knew I can be baptized... Thought of sharing my sins prayer... bleh. no lah. That one still a tad too personal. :P Anyway, here goes my letter:
Dearest beloved Father,
Thank you for answering my prayers! I really really really look forward to being baptized by Sook Cheng and the rest of the Teen Workers and I think you're very happy as well. You really taught me to believe in Your time instead of my time and really 'convicted' me! I'm so excited to be in a relationship with You truly and to be one of your daughters in the Kingdom! All these trials and persecutions were not really tests sent by you but are tests of my sins and faith. I really do love you very much, Lord. You really are my no. 1 and everything I do shall be to glorify you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I love you.
I can just keep saying this and be so happy. Please keep me in my faith and I truly hope I'll forever remember the most important commandments.
Loving you,
Wow, reading this sure brings back a lot of memories of me. Sigh, I was quite pure-hearted last time hor? Just being in the kingdom brings me so much joy at that time... Seems that I've lost that simple joy along the way. Well, in case I din say this to you today, my dearest Father. I love you and I really want to love you with all my heart and mind and soul. Keep me always near, Lord.
Labels: a queen thinks |
ranted by Jerraine @ 9:36 PM  |