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Wednesday, October 06, 2004 |
Ugly Ducking Or Swan? |
Heyhey peeps!!
heh... today's the 2nd day of my diet... I must say this.... IT'S NOT EASY!! But I must say, I am happy that I can say no to tempations today... so score one for Victoria today! =P Came home to see one of my favourite foods, dumplings... Wah.... so salivating cos it's my Aunt who did it and she's super good at it. But I went to eat watermelon in order to keep my mind off it. Think fruits will be my best friend very soon.
Aniwae, I was watching a show just now. The show was titled "The Swan" and basically it's like Extreme Makeover with more drama plus beauty pageant-style. The 2 women were chosen and they would be judged whether to be beauty pageant material after the whole process. Throughout the whole process, they also never saw themselves in the mirror until the end of 3 months. It was amazing lah... to see how much they changed and what plastic surgery and a good exercise routine can do. But well, their psychology just worries me... cos they seemed to have the mindset that... if their body become beautiful; then their life will be good. Such mentality is not being obviously preached but the subtle message is everywhere. People with less than perfect figures and looks are supposed to have low self-esteem and feel worthless. Luckily, the 2 people dun look as extreme as the Extreme Makeover participants. They still have a normal good figure and I can still see their face despite the tucks and whatever... some people in Extreme Makeover seem to take on a totally different face. Well, it's EXTREME makeover.
It made me think abt our concepts of beauty todae... think I talked abt it before in my post in the campus ministry yahoo group. It just made me feel sad for sometimes the harshest critics are not men but the women themselves. The psychology of society is now completely warped on beauty and the role of women. Maybe I'm wrong but this is how I feel. Yeah....
Need to go do my work liao. Ciao!
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:53 PM  |