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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Wednesday, May 25, 2005 |
Things I Can't Give Up... |
Hey peeps! Realised I din update my blog for almost a week. Lol... Saw some of my friends' blog... wah... they are realli hardworking. Can update it daily leh... I too lazy to do that. Aniwaes... was doing my quiet time and have been thinking abt the questions in the recent workshop. I must say the workshop came at the perfect timing for me. Presently is a period of time for lotsa my own self-reflections and this workshop 'forced' me to examine some questions even deeper. Aniwaes... one of the questions was things I find it hard to give up. Was talking to Martin abt it the other dae and he was saying that alot of things we think we cannot give up is due to the mind. And I was like 'hmmm...'. Maybe it's true... from a learning perspective (i talking abt skinner here), maybe the things we do are all learned so it can also be 'unlearned'. However, there are also needs that we think we have that must be fulfilled in order to lead a satisfying life. Okay... I shan't go on and talk abt psychological theories too much. Heh. And I was thinking that I dun realli have alot of material needs e.g. I wont die if I don shop, I wont die if i don buy new makeup or accessories (maybe I will struggle more with earrings. =P), I wont die if I dun eat good food, etc. However, these are just some material needs. I realized I will really struggle if I fast on reading storybooks. Wah piang, I go thru at least 2 story books a week. And that's the bare minimum. Average I think 1 book every 2 days. I practically eat books. And I realized wow... I am so dependent on books. This is sth I never realized or rather never faced it so blatantly. And I think another thing I can't do without is computer. Like computer games, msn-ing, etc etc. Wah... think I can go mad without computer for more than 1 month. Haha... Can't imagine my life without a computer... My Neopets, MapleStory, AdventureQuest,etcetc. Hmmm... feeling tired liao. tink i will talk more abt this another dae... cyas folks... but before i go off, what is some things you can't give up? hehe. =)
love, victoria |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:24 AM  |