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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Wednesday, April 12, 2006 |
funny moment |
warning ah... if u have yet to watch Ice Age 2, you might not wanna see this... alot of spoilers below! haha.
aniwaes... met up with brothers and sisters today to watch Ice Age 2. Been some time since I entered a cinema and had such a good raw laugh without any dirty jokes or times when I need to avert my eyes. Ah... good old cartoon movies. So sweet. So funny. So simple. And yet I must say this movie was pretty good. It was simple and yet it doesn't make me feel like an airhead. It still contained some pretty good puns and is adult-friendly (in terms that adults wont be bored to death inside unlike Barbie's Pegasus etc..) haha... love the parts where the female mammoth kept thinking she's a possum. And I love the sloth also... he so farnie. He's irritating but pretty street-wise. Just not a very self-aware guy though. haha. Love the chipmunk and his obssession with the acorn... some of the farniest moment came from him... reminded me eerily of Charlie Chaplin. No dialogue but the antics are just soo farnie. hehe. had a good laugh... and can feel a whole load of burden (aka exams etc) off my back.
after that had a good dinner with the christians... haha must appreciate siow kow and his lamb song... haha it's sung according to the tune "LOVE" (remember the advert?) lemme type it out here... hehe
LAMB L is for the way i look at ewe A is for the awesome taste in stew M is many many chops a plenty plenty B is for the way u belch when u have had too much of.. Lamb is all that i can give to u Lamb is more than jus a meat to chew Meat is tasty and its better than all kinds of pastry Lamb is meant for me and uuuuuuuuu.... (ewe?)
composed by SiowKow (when he was having insomia one night)
hehe okai... me just gonna end here. *secret birthday wish from now on: I want CDs! Original CDs!!
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:19 AM  |