Royal Hearing |
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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Thursday, October 05, 2006 |
good-byes |
nah dun worry... i am not saying good-bye to my blog. HEH. wah so fast sia... 2 weeks plus le since i last blogged. time sure flies when you are bogged down with work and marking... i dun seem to have this problem when i was studying hor? ha. less energy now due to age and MS. (if you are wondering what is MS, come ask me. :P) been teaching and have been enjoying it very much. now am thinking whether i shld continue to persevere in applying to MOE or just look for other jobs... or... there are some options open to me... BUT I WANNA BE A TEACHER! I cant claim that I am totally sure that I can handle teaching without burning out... but I do love being able to pass knowledge and beliefs down to a younger generation who hopefully will pass it on. It's just being able to shape some people's lives and thinking that is so exciting! okay enough promoting-MOE spiel. i shall now proceed to my poem.
Your hand's warmth seemed to linger behind You may be a woman of few words yet your touch always overflow with love love that took me under your wings of care
Tears come unbidden as words disappear in a vaccum of grief and pain. As candles were snuffed out, your life also disappeared as a demon took the road. I will miss you.Labels: a queen thinks |
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:40 PM  |