Royal Hearing
(Proverbs 31:25-26)
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."
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Monday, September 24, 2007
what do you do on a bad day?
Right now, I am typing my quiet time out in Gelare Cafe in Hougang Mall. Gwen is sitting opposite me but she's studying. I'm supposed to be getting the revision literature notes for my students but I am very poorly inspired. ah yes procrastination is one of my deadliest sins. just to warn you all first, this email is going to be very very rambling. It's going to resemble some sort of my thought processes.

Today, I was doing a quiet time based on Job. I've been sick the past 3 days and I felt like 'Job-like' cos my bout of sickness came fierce and without warning. So my question was what do i do on a bad day? I faithfully wrote down all the things I will do, e.g. go pray la... go enjoy good food la... go call my good friends... arrange a hangout... write cards.. etc etc I tried to be very truthful and tried to rank them in the order I will automatically do whenever I just had a bad day.

Ah ha... for the past 1 week or less, I had just joined a new online social network thingie called Facebook. And it has been the first page I go to whenever I have had a bad day at work. Recently, my students have been getting on my nerves easier. It's making me seriously question whether I have the mental and physical stamina to go through as a teacher. Well, there's a way out. I can go apply to be a teacher in a better school. I have actually been doing some asking around and there are a few schools that are rather interested... but well. I wonder what will happen when teachers start to just go to better schools. What happens to the teachers in schools that are terrible? they get burnt out? then what? they quit teaching? somehow as I was having the time to just think over the past 3 days (that's when i am not being zonked out by the medication i'm taking), i came to a conclusion. somewhat. i am going to REALLY learn how to detach from the stresses of my work. how? by relying and trusting on the Lord. like what Job did. He did not always understand why God did this and that or allowed Satan to do this and that... but he almost always just trusted in God and just simply relied on him. He always sank to his knees and prayed. I wonder how long I pray on my knees...

just some thoughts... wanna know more then just ask me lo.


ranted by Jerraine @ 6:28 PM  
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