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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Wednesday, February 15, 2006 |
rollercoaster... whee! |
i shall talk abt trivial stuff first, I think I am beginning to like short fringes. On me that is. haha... last time I thought I looked horrible with short fringes. But well, think the hairstylist managed to change my view point. learnt quite abit from the lessons today... Especially appreciate Raphael's friendship lesson and Karen's lesson on how we shld approach about building friendships with the opposite gender. jen was sharing to me about how raphael's lesson made her think about the friends she has who would humble themselves similarly like what the friends of the paralytic (In mark 2:1) did in order to help the paralytic to get healed... yeah when she shared... it made me think also. and truly, I must thank God that I have such friends in my life. And when I count, I think I can count having more than 4 people who can carry my stretcher. Thank you so much Lord! well for Karen's lesson... she shared it with a casual-kinda style. made me think alot. i am rather perfectionistic when it comes to me liking anyone. no, i am not saying in order for me to like someone the person must be perfect. DUH. first, no human is perfect. second, only God is perfect. third, i am not perfect so why look for a perfect person to make me insecure? lol what i am saying is that i tend to think in the way of 'either i like the person with 100% or i wont at all'. pretty extreme case hor? well that's one reason why i am on a rollercoaster todae. yep. need to learn to let go lah. and to put ZM into the storeroom of my heart. yep. okai... shall go back to hit my books... but before that, shall write a poem. haha when i emo, i tend to compose poems... or maybe i shall post my poem tml... heh. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:21 AM  |