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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Tuesday, April 25, 2006 |
emotion-speak |
just gonna type this entry before I go to bed...
well. think me been feeling abit topsy-turvy recently. one moment all the way dooooooown. one moment all the way uuuuuuuup. quite tiring and quite unnerving to see myself that way. it's been some time since i have such mood swings... and still survive sufficiently to live another day. i just wanna sae thanks for my dearest friends, Clara, Jen, Joanna (not in order of merit) for just being such good listeners and just reinforcing what I already knew but just needed to hear again. relationships is my weakest point and the best foothold for our enemy cos I struggle the most to surrender to God in this area. yet I think it is also my strongest forte as well as I like to be able to relate to people, to listen, to just be there. yet I often forget i am not God. i cant effect changes in people's lives just like tat (imagine my fingers snapping). i have to learn to surrender and learn to accept the limited role I actually play. i cant be in control of everything. God does ask me to be encouraging and loving to others. ...but He never asks to be responsible in changing someone's life or mindset or perception. funnily enough, this is truly repeated in what i am studying as well. the best helper/counseller is not someone who can solves the helpee's problems promptly and easily. the best helper is someone who guides the helpee (with minimum interference but with lots of encouragement and reassurance and empathy) to learn how to grow in the direction the person chooses. basically a counseller is there to facilitate growth. and it's also repeated in the bible. as disciples, we are to sharpen one another. but when it comes to entrusting someone with problems, the first person we should run to is God. Cos only He can handle all the problems without stress, without feelings of inadequacy, without feelings of resentment or negativity. He will not doubt the consequences of the advice He has given. hey, i am not saying that i dun wanna be part of people's lives or continue to love other people. what i feel is that i need to learn what i can do and cannot do. and after knowing all that, i need to accept it. otherwise i think i will be one burnt out counseller soon. thanks God for teaching me this precious lesson again and again. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:45 AM  |