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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Sunday, May 21, 2006 |
hope |
Because of God, I have hope.
firstly, i must say HAPPY SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY to my dear dear sister-in-Christ, JOANNA! was feeling teary throughout her sharing but i did not let a tear drop... haha me prideful. she really has triumphed over past struggles and trials. my dear warrior woman, perhaps u feel that u have not yet shed the shackles of ur past totally... but u know what? like a butterfly, the pushing and the struggling from the cocoon will end one day and you will be like a beautiful butterfly with wings strong enough to fly. :) and indeed, you are that. you have a hidden inner strength. yes you may grumble, pout, be depressed, be angry, be impatient... it just shows that you are human. but the fact that you are trying to change in this is the repentance God wants. God doesn't mean for us to be perfect. we are on the race to his kingdom... and we may trip, stumble, falter. but as long we continue to drag our feet even at our downest moments, God is and always will be smiling at u and me. remember ur love seed story.
aniwaes, was doing my quiet time this morning and decided to share about it. usually i do not blog about my quiet time as I am trying to go back to the habit of writing and not be reliant on my computer.
I am just doing one particular verse today: Romans 8:24-25 "For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."
"Now that we are saved, we eagerly look forward to this freedom. For if you already have something, you don't need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don't have yet, we must wait patiently and confidently."
"And this hope is what saves us. But if we already have what we hope for, there is no need to keep on hoping. However, we hope for something we have not yet seen, and we patiently wait for it."
Hope is a sacred attitude of the heart and soul. Strangely I remember the story of the Pandora's box where hope is the last thing that was released after the many evils escaped from the box. Indeed, in order to survive in this world where people are getting molded by society's ever-rising expectations, media's distorted perceptions, personal goals of ambition and wealth, etc, hope is something that has been neglected. Hope even seemed like a word that belonged in the fairy tale world for children. It is almost like a dirty word for some people (think of people who are go-getters!). Fortunately, I am in the kingdom. Otherwise I think with the events I have went through (not saying that I suffered alot la) these past few years... if God is not in my life to remind me abt hope... I think I will have seriously messed up my life. God's constant whispering to me that "You can do it, for I am with you, loving you and supporting you in every moment." helped me to stay positive and allowed me to see the silver lining in the trials and obstacles thrown my way. For e.g. I may have grumbled and ranted to God incessantly about my parents cutting off my allowance... but if it was not so, I think I would still be struggling to even want to have financial discipline. if it took me 10 years to learn my bad habits, God has allowed me to start early to change my habits... if my sister did not have the accident, I think my relationship with her will still be characterized by quarrels and arguments (even though I am a Christian). through her I see the urgency of building healthy relationships with my family and to be an inspiration in how I lead my life. if I never scored badly in my exams, I tink I would still be this a student with a nonchalant attitude. if if if if... there are many if's which have taught me many so's... God has guided me each step of the way for the path He wishes me to be on.
With hope, it encourages to have patience with myself and to stay inspired to continue to make progress with the changes I want to see in my life - be it diet, health, discipline, studies, etc. Without hope, I think I would have long given up with my expectations for 'instant' results... With God, at least I can try and try again...
With hope, it reminds me of the light at the end of every dark tunnel I may find myself in. right now, I am going through a rough patch with my health. Really need to entrust God in this area... I have to learn to submit to His will and to do it with a joyful heart. Why? Cos I have hope that is a God-given gift. A gift that He will never withdraw from us. A gift that seems small but big in support.
Amen. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 9:51 PM  |