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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Saturday, May 06, 2006 |
smoked pork, anyone? |
Yesterdae night, the campus ministry had our bbq bibletalk!! yeah~! haha one of the first time I was not in charge of getting the food. felt abit like a fish out of water at first but it was good that I am learning to do other things... :)
went over to Sera's hse early to whip up abit of my mushrooms in cream sauce and potato salad as additional accompaniments to the food. slacked abit here and there... played with her doggie... or rather terrorized it. bleahz. then marvelled @ the amount of food in Sera's fridge (thanks Sera and Lingpin for getting and preparing the food!). most of the brothers came over to sera's place to help carry stuff which was very thoughtful... then started to move out(very military term hor?) to the sembawang interchange to take bus to sembawang park. met up with the rest of the sisters and friends there... I shant continue on the mundane details haha. basically weekeong came and gave us a thought-provoking question about 'yeast' and how God can use us despite the negative name it was given to it by previous religious leaders. then started the bbq... haha i truly felt like a piece of char siew meat for awhile. dunno why sera's hair still smelt so nice... perhaps the smoke stuck to me ba. haha it was also quite cute to see Poernomo so insistent to do the bbq haha. a brother with a great heart for learning... no wonder doing his PhD at such young age. ah...then we started to play childhood games... though I must sae I never play the Marco Polo much before... haha though i think i overexerted @ my age and my current stamina and strength. banged my ankle agst the metal pole while attempting to swing from one spot to another spot. wanted to try acrobatics like the brothers. haha... though I think some of them forgot that they are actually older and taller so also easier to catch due to larger body mass. haha some moments were so farnie. laughed so much yesterdae... we were really out of ourselves la... even the friends also played with gusto. haha. then stayed overnight @ sembawang park though erm.... think perhaps i really shld have just gone to sera's hse to stay overnight or gone home retrospectively. though i did enjoy the late-night chat with lingpin, poernomo, sera and pat. but i was also falling asleep. think my latenight stamina being worn out due to the exam weeks. bleah. sigh... dunno why feeling a bit sad yet happy also. think cos I am graduating liao. no longer student of NUS. cant sae I was one of the most hardworking student in NUS nor one of the most actively involved student. haha but i enjoyed my times in NUS... especially the daes where i would go for a mini-window shopping trip in Central Co-Op during the breaks of exams... the first two years had one of the best memories... not saying these 2 years not as good. just that the number was fewer so the activities that could be engaged was also fewer... (eh if it's confusing sorry ah. hehe). i think when the alumni came back this semester to had dinner with us during our exam period, i had thought at first i would merely be more encouraged by the presence (in the sense that i would not be so discouraged by their lack of presence la :P)... then when they came... wah. it really encouraged me la. i really really felt very touched and nostalgic. those times of morning devos (8am!!) at Central Library rooftop. Lunchtime evangelism during exam time. Morning devos at the stadium. Bible talks @ Blk A. Bible talks @ PGP. Prayers with the different sisters. the wacky meal times. the constant same jokes (it's still farnie!!). the NUS humour. Mugging together. Learning dance together. Raising funds together. Rehearsing for Campus Sunday together. Training for the Olympics together (TUG-OF-WAR!! Roar!! hehe). the cookouts together (I miss you, Zhengfang jie!). the birthday celebrations. the grad nights (haha the dunking and eggs... bleahz). wah... so many good times... sigh. now I am no longer a student. though i think i will stay in campus for a while longer... the fact is i am no longer a student... and that saddens me. not that the thought of moving on is scary...just that life as a student is just more desirable for me at the moment. me in a contemplative mood. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:34 PM  |