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Saturday, May 06, 2006 |
a delayed reaction to the elections |
typing this as the results of the general elections are being announced. have meant to blog about my view on it (is this illegal?? shall make it merely personal comments. heh) but exams and other issues clogged my mind. yeah clogged. haha. in the just published (like few mins plus ago) post, i said i was in a contemplative mood. well, that's on my emotional and general mood level. in one of the more deeper recesses of my mind, a level devoted to logic (more seldom used hehe) was awakened. confounded anyone yet? aniwaes... was having a good chat with my dad about it. I was commenting that it's true la perhaps the Singapore government with its one-party dominance is not a perfect nor ideal form of democratic governance la. but i think sometimes, we need to take other issues into context. Singapore IS a unique country with unqiue issues. We are a small small (red dot!) country with a diverse mix of different races. We are also in a interesting position of being a Chinese dominated country among a region with mostly Muslim-dominated countries. We have zilch natural resouces. perhaps what I am saying is nothing new la. but what I do feel is that it's of course ideal to have opposition in the government. but please do not vote just because of that. our vote should be dependent on the credibility and ability of the candidate. Some opposition candidates are pretty much crappy and some are pretty decent. Those crappy ones include those who just sashay to singapore during election time, make a small hoo-haa then go back to USA and then complain and complain about how the Singaporean government is so oppressive... (disclaimer: i am going to let off some steam about this guy first ah) if you like to comment so much, please give some constructive feedback. what i mean by constructive is suggest with DETAILED plans how u gonna improve on the areas u feel the current ruling party is lacking in. dun just fling in a few topics then act controversial then go crying to USA's human rights groups. Singaporeans are not as blind and stupid. We may turn a blind eye to certain things but to your behaviour? Sorry. We cant see you acting in Singapore's interest. NOT AT ALL. At least Mr Low Thia Kiang got some results to back up. He is specific and proves his ability. You are just famous for being a good entertainer or good newspaper folder during election time. NOT a good politician we can vote for. And that's that. (disclaimer: okay I am done! haha) I dunno la. Perhaps I am considered as a conversative or what. I did scoff at the creation of Speaker's Corner. I also joked about the Progress Package. I did also make fun of the often-standard bureacratic reply in the Forum of local newspapers. I also complained about the fee hikes in school fees and transport fee. I also joked abt the succession in our prime ministers. I also was quite cynical about the apathetic nature of young Singaporeans in general to local politics. haha.... but then. i think so far, the ruling party had more or less consistently churned out more able politicans as compared to the oppositions parties la (with exception of Chiam See Tong and Low Thia Kiang). heh. okay gonna go watch the news. blog later. :P |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:27 PM  |