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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Friday, February 23, 2007 |
the past, the present, the future |
recently been talking quite a bit to my colleague who is fast becoming quite a good friend. as i chatted with her and listened to her stories, i was reminded of my own stories. my stories of late had been about my struggles with discipline and health... but my stories of past had a different inclination. heh. i could almost feel tendrils of unpleasant and pleasant memories caressing the back of my sub-conscious, threatening to break into the open. well, i could not 'tahan' the itch... so i opened the floodgate willingly. it made me once again amazed by how God has protected me so much. I think I said this before but I seriously think that I would not be alive right now if I had not been a Christian since JC. I did plenty of wild things in the past... do I regret them? somewhat... the experiences i went through has tainted my heart, mind and the repercussions are quite permanent aka my health. yet... if i did not have this experience, i think i would be a lot more prideful about my own abilities and be so much more harder to humble. ... yeah... shall go back to marking... :)Labels: a queen thinks |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:03 PM  |