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Tuesday, October 12, 2004 |
My Maternal Grandma |
Hi peeps...
today what I wanna write abt is my grandma, the mother who gave birth to my mother. She's someone who I'm very close to. Presently, she's back in hosptial again... as her limbs are swollen. The doctors were not able to find out the cause in her first hosptialization, but now they finally concluded that it is a old-person's sickness. Basically, she has no illness; it's just her body not being able to function properly due to her old age...
Whenever I visit her, I just feel that I really need to treasure my time with her. She's about 79 years old liao... coming to 80. I have quite a few childhood memories with her and she's someone who's been really kind and nice to me. She knows me quite well as well and though she does have some favouritism. she really tries to be fair in her love to all her grandchildren. I went on several trips with her and though that time she was also 60 plus, 70 plus, she was still very active and compared to my sister, even more energetic than her!! haha. Two years ago, she even went to Australia for a month with my aunt and her family. Think she's been to a lot of countries liao... haha China, Malaysia, Hongkong, Australia, US, Thailand, Indonesia...
She's someone who's very easy to get along with and she's not picky in her food. I really love her a lot... and though these past 3 years I have not been able to visit her that often or go out with her that often, my bond with her never really lessened. Haha... maybe bcos I have such a contrast with my paternal grandma who is selfish, picky, fussy, quarrelsome, etc. But enough of my paternal grandma. I am quite negative over her one... but well, she's still my grandma nonetheless and even if I cant really love her as much, I must respect her. Bleh. My maternal grandma is such a sweet person. Whenever she knows I am going over, she will make her speciality cos she knows I love it... haha she enjoys seeing me eat. And though I got fatter over the years she never derided me over it. She was only concerned abt how it might affect my health and she even put lotsa of vegetables in her speciality dish. Seeing her now bedridden and so weak pains my heart. One year ago, she was still so active and only complains of the occasional cold. Now she has arithitis, rhemutism, weak muscles,.. whoever reads this, pls pray for her.
In her first hospitalization, my grandma suffered from water in her lungs and she had respiratory difficulties. I really hope this time she will be out of hosptial soon and need not go through so much pain... I can only go there and talk to her, buy her little stuff, yeah... bring her her fave fruits. sigh... going to go pray for a while. Heart feeling too burdened... always feel like this whenever think of my grandma. cyas later folks.
ranted by Jerraine @ 8:13 PM  |
it's very nostalgic reading this blog, makes me think about my grandma and how I should have treasured her more when she was alive. There was tis day tis week dat let me thought about my parents, how i want to take care of them when they grow old....
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it's very nostalgic reading this blog, makes me think about my grandma and how I should have treasured her more when she was alive. There was tis day tis week dat let me thought about my parents, how i want to take care of them when they grow old....