Royal Hearing |
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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Thursday, July 21, 2005 |
Hysterisis - A night to remember |
Yeah... I am feeling more hyper todae... haha a stark contrast from my previous two postings hor? Anyway, going to just blog down how I feel about the hysterisis... It was such a great night! Even tho there's some small hiccups and me having a miscom with one of my best friends, I think it's really a night to remember (eh... the missing camera is not one of the reasons... ) for a long time. For a very long time, I cant really remember NUS & NTU combining their powers to present such an event... Except maybe 2 years ago at the last Campus Sunday... Looking at the photos made me nostalgic... That time NUS had 20 people - 12 brothers, 8 sisters... Pat was still in church... The poly ministry was still striving very well. I also saw the golden days of campus when they had over 120 people! haha... piang... now we add all the campus students... think we're not even 10 percent man. However, through the event, I think it really unified our purpose - to just wanna let our passion for campus to keep on burning!! I'm looking forward to the mission classes next week (dunno which one I'm assigned to)... I wanna be able to learn to have consistent motivation and just have different inspirations. I now have one Saturdae badminton thing going on every week and the Settler's Cafe once a month! Yay~ haha. And I may be joining the netball mission group~ Well... I also need to make sure I dun become too action-oriented again... I also need to remind myself that my main focus is NUS! Yay! Okies... going to sign off now... gotta work. lol.
Oh yeah... do check out the team blog of campus at If you wanna be part of the team, sms/email me. =) |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:44 AM  |