Royal Hearing |
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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Sunday, September 11, 2005 |
Healing nicely... |
hi folks!!
glad to announce that i've been able to get betta... after the dengue scare I had on fridae. had a bad fever with fluctuating temperature... goodness... with the number of cases spiking up like no one's business it's scary manz!
aniwaes... I went on date on Saturdae. it was an encouraging date and I got to know a brother betta... it's interesting to get to know someone who i thought i have a vague idea abt and be proven wrong abt my assumptions (that i din knew i had in the first place). almost cldn't go cos i was afraid of a repeat of my sudden fever... God Bless... and I was able to go.
It's also been quite an eventful week... With NUS sistas falling sick one after another! After Vanessa fell sick from flu, Wanjun also suffering from a chronic night cough, me with flu and fever, Sera and her migraines and Marilyn who is now in hospital due to the bacterial infection in her lympathic system (not v sure tho)... goodness... we need to pray v hard for everyone's health... especially for sistas.
this week been quite good for me... i must sae that though i am sick... and also realized i am behind in my school work revision schedule. However... this week been good for my heart... just healing and able to just grieve properly. I have managed to not cry for the past 2 daes and I think it's a step closer for me to healing completely. Or also can be due to my tendency to not want to be so vulnerable. Eh... well. need to check my heart again. =P But at least I am not wasting so much paper. yep... aniwaes... need to go back to revising... and poem writing. haz.
thanks God... for just being there when I need yea...
Victoria |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:50 PM  |