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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Tuesday, August 30, 2005 |
Life is Fragile... |
Well... as I write this... tears are threatening to come out.. My friend... or rather... ZM attempted suicide on Sunday... I only knew of it on Sunday late night... Been visiting him and seeing him there... unconscious with tubes running in and out... just makes me want to tear... I remember a similar scene last year when my sister was knocked down by a bus when she was crossing the zebra crossing near my house. The difference is... ZM's condition is self-inflicted. I cant really tell how I am feeling besides this immensely heavy feelings... I pity his uncle and ZM. ZM's parents have divorced... and I cant find his father. His mother passed away 2 years ago... and his uncle is single. I know it's his psychological condition that drove him to take such drastic actions... but sometimes... ... ... I really cant imagine how it's going to be if he really dun survives this. Please God... let him be able to know the folly of his actions. He has a bright future ahead of him... please do not let him go... Please let me find peace with whatever may happen in the future. Please let me be able to trust u, father... I am really feeling depressed over this... Please help me to just trust in you simply and wholeheartedly... Please just help me be able to focus on what I need to do and can do. amen.. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:43 AM  |