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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Monday, August 01, 2005 |
Charm or Sincerity? |
It's been sometime since I last updated... Quite a few things happened over the few daes which I din update. I had a great hospitality night where I cooked and did some dishes at Jayne's house, played Taboo with the friends and just talking and chatting with my friends... It was something I definitely want to see more as I am reaching out to my NUS friends. =) Then on Saturdae, I had a date. haha... more cooking again. This time, Chinese cuisine but I more of the helper as the main chef was Zhengfang. It was pretty fun but the prelude to the date had some hiccups. I was dated only on Fridae night. Bleahz. Miscom? Just bad timing? I think all the above bah... Felt abit unimportant and hurt when I was dated so late but well... I can understand the reasons that led to this situation. Haha... cos the farnie thing was i knew abt the date quite some time ago... Just that I wasn't dated. Piangz. Well... that was that. I had a great time at the date; even though there wasn't really any individual fellowship time but it was great to see the brothers doing the cleanup... lol. They din complain one bit which I appreciated. =P After that went down to send Quek off at the airport. I actually felt abit emotional as I understood the potential dangers behind his trip. The destination he's going to isn't exactly the most safe place on Earth. However... I can only just keep praying for him...
Then yesterdae night my sister had a very bad headache which created a minor scare among the family as she went through an accident last year which made us very cautious of any aches and pains she might have; especially in the head. This morning, she recovered liao so it was very much a relief to my mother and me... amen. Thanks God.
Aniwaes, todae I read an article that piqued my curiosity and caused me to think... I was thinking whether women prefers charming men or sincere men... And whether Singaporean males knew how to be charming. It may seem like a 'duh' topic to think abt but it did make me think abt the psychological makeup of Singaporean woman and man. And I aint even talking about Christians. I mean in general, does men know how to be charming? I remember witnessing my friend who was approached by a guy with a super-cmi pickup line. It went sth like this "Did you notice the black out just now?" "You caused the electrical circuit to break!" My friend and I had a lot of good laughs over that. Then I also heard many stories from my friends who still go pubbing and stuff and I just feel that even though there are some guys out there who know a decent pick up line or two... or even the ways to be charming aka opening doors for women, etc. It's not that I advocate guys knowing how to pick up girls in pubs or wherever. It's the lack of charm or gallantry. And I think this is another consequence of the both genders not knowing their role very well in society. Women nowadaes are supposed to be great employees, super moms and loving housewives. Add another filial daughter and daughter-in-law and you will get many women who just are so burnt out! Guys are not sure whether they are supposed to be macho and silent or be this sensitive new age guys. Some guy friends tell me that sometimes they dunno whether they should be gallant or not as it may seem chauvinistic to the girls! Thank goodness I am a Christian. lol.. at least the roles are abit clearer. I am not saying gender equality is bad or what... however I do feel that in the beginning we are already different. I am all for equal job opportunities and others... but I do feel that there is quite a need to have some definitions to help the hapless people... (including me). Dunno whether anyone who reads this might have some ideas??? haha... just do share k? Me gtg to prepare for work. Cyas.... |
ranted by Jerraine @ 8:57 AM  |