(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."
ahhh just realised something... I din take a picture of the best beer in the world!! My Erdinger! haha. well nvm...
went to Wala Wala today with Martin, Jen, Adeline and Clara! Finally!! after two aborted attempts... I finally stepped inside that smokey place after two long months of waiting. yepz. Was quite disappointed when we realised that EIC wasn't gonna play tonight... but there's this other band (i still cant catch their name) who played surprisingly well! haha... then adeline and jen subsequently got excited about going for this hip hop festival that is happening in March~ Hmm... the time when term papers are due... ahhh nvm I shall stick to my date with EIC @ UCC on 18th March! haha they are performing free on that dae as part of NUS Arts Festival~! okay i digress... We sat for 2 sets... the lead singer was very versatile... the voice was quite good... and the guitarist was super best man!! he's like wearing white t-shirt and jeans type... look slack slack but his fingers aint those slacker type! wah... was memerized. the drinks @ Wala Wala are quite respectably good. my recommendations would be their magaritas and martinis. haha dun try their tequila sunrise unless u like cloying sweet taste. pina colada was not bad but a tad sweet. OR! Drink Erdinger. u cant go wrong with that choice. HEH. Standard pricing... cocktails ranging from $14 (mostly) to $20 (for the really strong ones like AK47, Long Island Tea). Beers also very versatile pricing. But well... if u go before 9pm, you can enjoy one-for-one offer for beers and housepours. the munchies were aint bad either... love the wedges and chicken wings. haha okay i shall stop ranting on about the food and drinks. people go wala wala for the live music! hehe enjoyed myself alot there especially with the great company I had. this experience can help sustain my rest of the semester where I ready myself for a whole load of work waiting to explode onto me! bleahz. okay the pictures are below... :)
the final product of the 4 sisters taking the photo together... haha in this picture, adeline was too tall while Jen's face was adeline out the picture again... haha we had to take this photos 4 times!! the leftover photo wedges and chicken wings... hehe Clara, me and Jen! hehe our hairstyle and colours match.... coincidence lah ahh adeline and clara!! Jen and Martin!! hehe eh Martin in only one picture... lol the band! they are quite good... have great rapport with audience!