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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Tuesday, November 08, 2005 |
Potential threat weapon : Blogging! |
haha... has been reading the past few daes abt how blogs can be used as a tool of revenge... especially for gals and guys who been dumped by totally 'cmi' ppl... e.g. unfaithful, unreasonable, abusive... the list goes on. and how some people have been brought to court cos of extremely provocative remarks and postings... and how one very popular blogger incurred the wrath of many people (even overseas!!) and evidently 'many many' ppl went to complain lah. well i have now taken the view point - if they are not ppl i know personally (as in I can see them and sms them and call them.), whatever they sae.. i am going to just take with pinch of salt. and some with BIG pinches... what the heck... with whole truckload of salt. like the same popular blogger who incurred the wrath of many... she's like one of the magazine articles or horror of horrors a exaggerated version of TNP. reporting real news with dramatic effects milked to the best. so i am like... "orh... *yawnZz*." haha. am I suffering from some sort of apathy or sth? lol. aniwaes... i just wanna share abt a funny incident that i observed todae. haha in order to make sure i wont be sued for libel, or be called to court, i shall not use real names and i shall be very inspecific to the person's identity.
A brother i know that belonged to an particular educational institution in a country on this earth was witnessed to ask to be driven to his residence on campus. this happened when this brother was not even 1km away from his residence. and people usually walk the distance without complaining much. well what's funny was that this brother actually said at least 3 times (after being 'rejected') that he would walk back. but 2 seconds later, he would then come up with another reason to try to persuade the brother who was driving. haha... super farnie. okay maybe people who reads this wont get it lah... cos i need to be super inspecific. but well... it was farnie to me.
okay... signing out. me gonna study... and type my LAST term paper. yay! |
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:05 AM  |