Heyhey... now working @ danny's office now... just finished admin stuff... so now posting more pictures that i was posting half-way yesterdae... my computer hung again!! @@#%$%$^@ i think i realli need to go buy new processor... sighz. it's been hanging too often. even after i do so many 'sayang' to it. aniwaes... below are photos of my JC and secondary class... and also... a mysterious someone. lol. go and see!
Spot Jen and Patricia below bahz! Again... I am the photographer. so dun have me inside. lol. =P Taken during JC2 years.
 This is taken during the end of secondary 2. haha... spot pat again bahz. seems like Pat never change much hor? lol. and yes... I am the photographer again! hahaz.
 haha... guess who is this? haha... my first ever crush. and it realli crashed and burned then. cos my secondary 2 english teacher went to babbled abt it in his class (she also taught his class). it was like super big obvious hint. ("this tall girl in 2D seems to like the tallest guy in this class (2J)!"-similar comment) How did she find out? cos my friends were teasing me abt it in her class when we were supposed to be doing project discussion. She overheard it loh.. haha... it was such a traumatising experience for me cos i was in the same third language class for him!!
Haha... come to think abt it... it so long in the past. at that time, it seemed like the end of the world for me. at that time, it was the first time i ever admitted i liked someone and it was like a major scar to me. now... after like... 8 years? it's like such a small thing that which at that time made me felt so much like dying. it's realli true that many things that seemed so jialat just needed a shift of perspective. at this time, after i went through 2 relationships and so many other major events in my life, this embarassing incident is just an amusing memory for me. A perspective can either make ur world seemingly crash around u or can make the world a very happy place to live in. Thus, I count myself lucky that I am now a Christian... who can at least try to refer to God's perspective and not be so bogged down by the 'negativity' of the worldly perspectives. Thank you, Father, for saving me.
 Coming to think about it... Many people turn to suicide or to other forms of comfort e.g. alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, etc when they need comfort or assurance when negative events happen. Often, this happens because the negative event is magnified so many times under their perspective and everything seemed to be so disastrous. I know because I feel that way so many times... I once wanted to commit suicide as I felt unloved at home or in the school. And this happened when I was in primary 4!! Why did I had that perspective? I felt that the school was a nightmare as I was constantly bullied by one guy in my class; and my parents din love me enough to find out why I was so afraid of school and when they knew, they just felt that it was nothing serious. I was sitting at the perch of a staircase balcony and I remembered looking downwards and... Of course i din jump lah. I remembered realising that it's going to be very painful if I did jump. Yeah... and studying psychology and reading so many experiments and cases really dawned on me how worldly wisdom can destroy us as it can warp our perspectives on so many issues. things can seem so negative and so terrible when actually... it can be so simple if we just trust in our Father. And I can also relate this to sharing my faith so much more urgently.why? cos... i should have the urgency to want to share in this godly wisdom and help others to be released from the shackles of the world. haha... i can realli connect connect hor? aniwaes... hope this entry not too confusing. lol enjoy.
will update more photos later... when i am home and scanned more photos. |