i realise i got quite a few photos... just share some of them bahz.
aniwaes... this one is taken when i went on the second big walk with my secondary 4 class.. YIKES i look so guy here. haha, yes... this how short my hair ever was.
 the sports dae event... when i won 2 gold medals for shot put and discus... lol. so... dun play play with me ah...
 i also took part in the 4*4 relay! my class was 4th. this are the gals... toobad... not in touch with them animore...except the one next to me...
 One of my most precious memories... the secondary 3 camp. this was taken when we just trudged thru mud... we were also supposed to be dipping into the mud... but the gals were let off. haha i was still one of the dirtest cos i stayed behind to splash every one with mud. lol. so the gals are fairly clean except the guys. no prizes for why.
 the year when RVHS won the finals for netball in west zone. for 4 consecutive years we lost to Nanyang Girls always in the west finals... so it was a moment of triumph and tears of joy.
 one of my best friends from NAFA when i was taking 'O' Level art there... haha u can see our names as we took part in helping the school to renovate... so we got chance to draw whatever we liked. lol.
 haha... i was already part of the welfare committee who made sure everyone got saboed for their birthdaes!
 hahaha... the more active side of me... i was realli active then... played netball 3-4 daes a week (including shooting trainings), PE lah... ran around saboing ppl lah... walk JEC lah... sigh the good old daes... haha when I was still innocent abt friendships and relationships... =P |