Royal Hearing |
Favourite |
(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
Tunes in My Head |
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Friday, June 09, 2006 |
the battle between the zzz monster and the scanner lady |
it was a dark and stormy day (note the originality here!). the scanner lady was trudging along a small road without a umbrella. raindrops persistently wished to drench her clothes but due to (plays those super-power music) her super power of scanning away the 'wetness'. suddenly (wah... another originality!!), she noticed a shadow lurking in one corner. and out jumps (plays villian music) the ZZZ Monster! Quickly, the scanner lady took out her ever trustworthy light bulb shield to fend off the Z-bombs the ZZZ Monster was throwing. Slowly, both of them took hits and as the ZZZ Monster becomes more awake, the scanner lady becomes more sleepy... the battle continues to rage... (story will likely to continue tonight.)
as a sidenote, i still have yet the opportunity to type out my quiet time... haha... jialat. but i must say... God does have a humourous side like what Joyce shared. We been praying so hard for last Sat to be a sunny day due to the spate of rainy days... and for the next four days God really made the days very very sunny. haha. God is awesome hor? The perfect bridegroom - a sense of humour with the power to grant your wishes. lol. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 9:55 AM  |