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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Friday, June 09, 2006 |
the day mua-chee won the amazing race (sentosa) |
actually i wanted to have the photos one... before i type abt it (actually think if i delay i will also forget to type... lol), so due to the wishes of Alfred Yuen Hong Sheng, I shall do my bit to blog about the amazing adventures of MUA-CHEE! or MaChi. haha.
the dae started with everyone gathering @ 8am at the famous yellow arches in Harbourfront. together they ate to energize themselves for the game ahead of them. With the eager leadership of Gwendolyn Neo Weilin and David Liao, the contestants gathered @ the Ferry Terminal finally @ 930am-ish. Together, the groups are divided into 4 and the MuaChee is formed! With the inspiring leadership of Alfred Yuen and the steady stewardship of Shawn Seet, the team consisted of the ever-reliable Manfred, the ever-excited Felicia, the ever-game Zhijie and the ever-loud Victoria. Together, they form a ever-united team called MuaChee!
After the first game, MuaChee set out as the third team but that did not dampened their spirits a single bit. After making a mad rush to the bus stop to take a bus to their first pit stop which was to the most southern tip of South East Asia. At that plc, we quickly decided that Zhijie will be the man buried in sand... after modelling a merlion tail and making water sprout out of Zhijie's mouth, we got our next clue to proceed to the Fountain Gardens. there, Alfred and Felicia and Victoria quickly acted out all the charade clues to the Bible story lines. Despite the slight delay at guessing "A woman washing Jesus's feet with perfume", we quickly got our next clue to proceed to Sunset Bay (by then, we had left the second grp that left the ferry terminal at the gardens! woohoo! haha). Despite the quick foot steps, we still took a 5 mins break at the Siloso Beach and bought drinks @ 7-11. Equipped with Big Gulps, we proceeded to Sunset Bay and played a game of passing-the-sandwich-ingredients-using-body-parts. Our ever-inspiring leader, Alfred even took two big bites out of the sandwich despite the sandy texture. the MuaChees really were pretty united manz! next we proceeded on to find the elusive Dragon Trail. With the diligence of the ever-reliable Manfred, we managed NOT to get lost and got on the right path. We were all pretty winded climbing the stairs but everyone were very encouraging and helped each other to stay on the course. Alas, David was still lost on his way to getting to the Rocky Dragon. Thus, MuaChee had a looooooong break. Besides replenishing ourselves with water, Alfred also proceeded to loosen the jaws of the Rock Dragon. Soon, all the groups caught up and gathered at the pit stop. After giving out sandwiches to quieten the rumbling stomachs, as the first group, we proceeded to the next task. After several tries of putting the hands into the mysterious bag, our group quickly assmebled the broken clues and headed off to Tanjong Beach. On the way there, our leader decided to use the Fast Forward. Thus, as a group we expressed our consensus and opened the clue. We had to find a foreigner and asked the person to translate our church's motto into their native language and after that, we needed to sing it out. It was done pretty fast as we located a Danish guy pretty quickly. Thus, with the quick mind of Alfred who came up with modifying the Twinkle Twinkle Little Star Melody, we received the last clue from Shawn. Thus, it was a long hike to the Parade Square where previously before the renovations, looked pretty scary and dark. After the renovation into the Tourism Academy of Sentosa... well. no more scariness liao. :P WE WERE THE FIRST GROUP TO ARRIVE @ the LAST PIT STOP! eh but David was also late... so we waited and waited and waited. it was pretty farnie as we really ended the adventures and managed to escape the dunking segment. we took lotsa silly photos and played the Ungame which helped us to know each other better. After that, everyone gathered and most of the people proceeded to have dinner @ Pasir Panjang. It was a thoroughly fun day... :) |
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:06 AM  |