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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Sunday, June 11, 2006 |
equality? |
have been reading 2 DPI books at one time... haha. i am a fast reader... was feeling kinda lost what books to read cos I seemed to have finished reading plenty of books and... i am rather lazy to find new authors that I like. On a further side note, I think I shall compile a list of the books I read over the years... just being funny!! haha. dun think I can recall all the titles anyways... okies i shall quite being distracted.
okai what i am going to write may be offensive who do not share the same faith as me. that's that. just a disclaimer to prepare anyone who reads this entry.
Let's start with looking at this verse: " There is neither... male nor female, for you are all in one in Christ Jesus." (Galatians 3:28)
as I was reading the book "God's Design for Women" by Sharon James, I found myself going "yeah, that's so true!" far too many times. Why? 'Cos I was caught in this lie before. That man and woman are equal. That man have been oppressing woman for such a long time. That church is biased towards man. Blah blah blah. I do admit that some of these statements may be true but often not, the statements are made with only a narrow focus on the context and situation that 'statement' has occurred in. What's more, the 'in' thing for women for the longest time is youthful beauty which has made many women lost and depressed in their search to fulfil such standards. Successful careers, loving moms, caring wives, doting grandmothers, are just some of the roles women are also expected to play in this present day and stage! No wonder women suffer from the highest rate of depression especially AFTER the women's revolution. I am not saying that education, the right to vote are bad... but many issues and events that happened after made me went 'oh my gosh' quite a bit while reading about it. It's so true... so many women (girls, teenagers, adults, whatever!) are still caught up in the lie that in order to truly love a man, you need to give your body. Or that, we as women are supposed to dress up with seduction in mind. Or that being slim, youthful, beautiful are the only ways to attract and keep a man's heart surely (look at the number of comestic surgeons and beauty products and slimming salons, enuff said.). And this is so ingrained into the present-day women's mind, even as Christian women, we still get so affected by it.
I still struggle with insecurity about how I look and stuff. I even contemplated going for comestic surgery to even out my skin... i am not saying that it's not right to care for how we look. But when how we look and our appearance becomes a very big goal in our lives, it becomes a problem. For e.g. sometimes when I fast, it's not just because I want to really be humble but because I want to lose weight (yikes, my sins coming out here.) or that some people get into debts because they want to lose weight or go for beauty treatments or buy a whole truckload (okay i am exaggerating la) of beauty products. It's also very sad as I, a Christian, still am conforming to the world so consciously, even though I know God is shaking his head at me. In Genesis, God has stated so early all of us are made in His image - both male and female (ref to Genesis 1:26-28,31). Our lives have equal meaning and value in God's eyes. Even Peter said it again in the New Testament that wives are fellow-heirs of God's kingdom (ref to 1 Peter 3:7). Isn't amazing? Wow... God had and has never been biased towards the opposite gender. Yet, so often as women are caught up in Satan lies (remember Eve in the Garden of Eden??), we lose sight of what God has lovingly placed in front of us and our eyes are no longer fixed on Jesus but on the world.
Yet, man and women are created differently. Why? because we are mant to complement each other! In Genesis 2:18=25, Adam was overjoyed as he discovering the differences between Eve and him. Sharon James also said, "The different ways in which they were created pointed to their primary callings. Adam, being made from the earth, would take the lead in subduing the ground (in Gen 2:15 God commanded him to work and take care of the garden.) Later, Adam was also cursed in this sphere. Eve, made from Adam's body, would find her primary fulfilment in the supremely relational task of being a helper to her husband and bearing and nurturing new life." When I read this, I went "Wow... I never ever thought of why God created Man and Woman with different methods!" God meant for man and woman to fulfil God's commands in partnership. Not in isolation!
It's just completely mindblowing how God creates everything... And I am sure that God knows that women and men will both be caught so many lies that He not only just created us but gave us the Bible and also Jesus who died on the cross for my sins! Goodness... God is just such a loving God... who demands so little from his people even though he had laid down plans and plans and plans for them for such a loooong time. :) Amen. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 5:28 AM  |