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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Tuesday, November 15, 2005 |
About the Farewell Party (and others!) |
Okies... before I talk abt the farewell party, I just wanna talk abit abt the Dawn's serial drama of 'u-did-plastic-surgery-no-i-didn't-yes-you-did-no-i-did-not'. I think I did post an entry before abt how I felt after watching an episode of Extreme Makeover. For the uninitiated, basically it's a show where people send in their tapes and photos to be chosen to have a free extreme makeover (plastic surgery and all). I must sae... there was some who realli needed it becos they has serious cleft lip problems or even rotting teeth problem... However, it's amazing how much change they undergo... it's inevitable that every gal who goes on the show must have implants or liposuction around the tummy and thigh area! And every guy who goes on it also goes for liposuction around tummy area... blahz blahz!! I wonder leh... who is dictating the standards of beauty? It seems also to be quite the fashion to be overweight and go for slimming endorsements! Publicity stunt or cheapskate mentality... it just goes on to reinforce that beauty means slim (I mean slim on tv which = skinny in real life), blemish-free skin, sparkling eyes, white straight teeth!! What the heck lah... then those who cant afford plastic surgery and all the normal looking girls can hang ourselves isit? And I am getting so duhz by the flood of slimming and beauty advertisements! Go and count... I think there's at least one slimming/beauty/salon advertisement every 4 pages in any magazine! (okay if i am wrong, then make it every 6 pages) i must sae that i am not a saint lah... I was so tempted by these advertisements before... I was guilty of wanting to sign up for the Cen***s slimming endorsement competition before I got woken up by my fellow sisters (thanks gals!!), etc etc. Okay... before i go on and on and on, wht's this supposed to do with Dawn eh? Well... first thing is she's denying that she ever did plastic surgery... but puhlease loh... unless she was a butterfly in her previous life... she realli cant transform so extremely loh! I wont sae she did extreme plastic surgery... but I dare sae she at least did a nose job and maybe even double eyelids or sth... then now alot of ppl are getting indignant by her denials that it is making feel like this whole episode very soap oprea... if ppl dun wanna admit, then let them deny loh... it's her face and her body... she can do what she wants. she wanna lie and carry a lie throughout her life? her choice. it's not that she doesn't know the consequences... goodness sakes! she's an adult liao loh! okies... i am not gonna comment on this anymore... otherwise this gonna be a realll looong entry. back to the title abt the farewell party.
wah... the saturdae was quite interesting! haha besides doing some last min changes to the menu (it went thru at least 3 changes within 3 daes...!); i also had to act and after that disciplined my chaotic mind to remember what to share for Jayne! lol. I was in charge of getting the food ready and am I grateful for all the help in the kitchen! Thanks millions to Sera, Joanne Low, Joanne Lim, Erica, Khiok Seng, Lianghui, Usha Vanessa and Joanna... Vanessa and Sera had to help out even after being delirious with preparing for the props and the scrapbook respectively... It was amazing... how all the dishes pull thru... haha I had to experiment again! Okay... I will share the menu (yes... this is going to be a food-oriented sharing. =P): 1. Potato Salad (KS peeled all the potatoes' skins - two packets of potatoes mind ya! and he did it after the potatoes were boiled! He also mashed the eggs and did the mixing for the mayo. lol. basically he did this salad.) 2. Swedish meatballs and salsa. (It's my first time doing the meatballs from scratch... basically trying out the recipe I found online! haha... and I do think I cooked it a bit long when I was frying it... need lotsa practice lah... kudos to Usha for the superb tomato cutting!) 3. Fish with chilli and lime in packets (forgot to marinate fish in some salt... =P This cldn't be done without Vanessa and Lianghui!) 4. Sandwiches with broccoli and egg filling (all done by Joanne Lim) 5) Potato Curry... (haha first time I ever did this by just pure improvisation... thanks to Joanne Low and KS! haha I'll remember forever the "salty enough" and KS is still shaking the salt container for the curry. lol) 6) A beautiful fruit salad of dragon fruit, strawberries, grapes and kiwis. (done by Erica and Joanne Low... very beautiful!) wah it was a pity that we din take pictures of the food... i was trying to get everything ready before the party started! lol. and of cos... thanks to Joseph Tan and Joanne Low... we had great drinks! Choya mixed with green tea... lemonade with a tinge of preserved plums... and sparkling juice with Absolut Vodka! haha. Joanne Low even bought a disposable blue paper tablecloth with exquisite napkins... very stylish table setting... with the already very 'cool' home of Jonathon and Wanjun... it was almost perfect. haha why almost? cos Jayne and Vincent not there yet mah! After they arrived with our wild clapping of welcome, we went straight to the food (thanks brothers for being conservative! I heard a brother saying "I should have went in for the food if I knew it would be gone so fast" when he saw there was no rice- oh yeah thanks Sera for the great-tasting rice!) then we went into a game of Cranium in which we had to turboed a already turbo edition of Cranium... then we went into our skit... wah piang I laughed quite a lot even though i was supposed to be 'tahaning'. then we went into sharing... wah.. at first i was hesitant to share cos I dun wanna be here and there... my mind was still reeling from the busi-ness of just a hour ago... but then after hearing vanessa shared and joseph shared... i remembered what I wanted to share... and truly... Jayne realli reminded me of Proverbs 31 "A Wife of Noble Character". then we ended off with a couple of songs, "Hero" by Vanessa and Joanna and "Bu Zai You Yu" by KS and Quek with Marilyn doing the piano. Both were touching pieces... and i was quite touched by Quek's poem... (u can be a potential poet!) yeah... and it's strange... but I no longer feel that sadness that I felt quite strongly the past few daes... Maybe it's becos my sadness is slowly being replaced by exam anxiety or what... but I think also becos I know my path will definitely cross theirs once again... and I pray for Jayne and Vincent to realli see their plans come to fruition with all the dreams they have when they go back to lead the KL church with renewed vigour and faith. Thanks for coming to NUS and changing our lives. You two truly left a deep footprint in my heart. Love ya!! |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:17 AM  |