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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Monday, November 21, 2005 |
Guard your heart |
okies... before I begin this entry... just wanna warn u all that this entry is going to be a tad more on a personal level.I may share things that u may not feel comfortable to read (i.e brothers who fear emotional sisters. lol.). maybe i shldn't write it out so blatantly sinc e I have so many concerns but well... I just wanna type it out and share it with people who might be able to relate to it. and learn also how God can help... =) > >> >>> WARNING: WHAT YOU GONNA READ IS SOMETHING THAT CAN BE BIT EMOTIONAL... :P >> >
. . . . . . Have been doing my quiet time on this book called "I Kissing Dating Goodbye" and it has made me think about alot. However, I think I also picked to do my QT on it at the wrong time cos now is my I thought that I shld actually be reading abt how to be disciplined and stuff. or reading my notes right? haha... well been thinking alot abt the deceitfulness of the heart. it's like how the world likes to tell us to follow our heart... to listen to your heart... bleah bleah. typical counselling stuff that encourages you to go deep into your Self and find out abt your heart's deepest desires. SORRY. I am getting quite cynical with such things... cos if listening to our heart is so correct then Eve wont even have eaten the apple. (Yes u can sae the snake v persuasive... but she was similarly asked to look for the answer within herself and to doubt God's words) if listening to heart is true... then there should be no more heartaches cos the person your heart chooses should always be correct. if your heart is always right, then we will never make mistakes if we just follow our heart. Man is imperfect! The heart is part of the Man's body!! so... logic follows that Heart that is part of Man should be imperfect as well. Why this sudden debate abt heart being deceitful or not? Well... cos I am thinking abt the number of times my heart lied to me. If I listened to my heart... think I wont be a christian cos that time I was feeling so guilty for 'betraying' my parents' beliefs. If I listened to my heart, then I will likely be still trying to find my security in the wrong areas. If I listened to my heart, then I will have continue being a extremely ill-discilplined person... there's too many times my heart wants me to take the easy way out becos of the pain it feels... too many times I cringe away from the action due to the heartaches I know I will face. even now my heart is hurting as I struggle not to drown in self-guilt about the way I handled my ex's passing away. Maybe I could have prevented it... maybe I could have this and that... but this are all just worldly sorrow... cos listening to my heart will disable me from listening to God.... i think it's just me being reflective. will end this entry here... |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:59 PM  |