Royal Hearing |
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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Wednesday, March 01, 2006 |
God and I |
I: Why do I like to talk so loudly? Am I deaf or something? God : It's because you are sometimes trying to divert attention from your insecurities. Rememeber in my eyes, you are Perfect for I made you in the image of me.
I: Why can't I be disciplined? God : Even if I tell you the answer, you wont be able to understand it. My plans for you are many and one of them is to let you see how you can overcome your weaknesses and sins through me. The other reasons are too complicated for you. Remember to start your day with My Word.
I: Why can't I let go? God: Because you choose not to. I'm waiting a long time for you to drop your burdens. Jesus wants to carry them for you... His hands have been waiting patiently behind you. Pray to Me.
I: Do I give with a motive? God: Check your heart. Fix your eyes on Me and only Me. Then your motives will be God-driven. Read 1 Samuel 16:7.
I: I am afraid. God: Why be so scared? You need only fear Me and nothing else. Read 2 Timothy 2:1-4.
I: I don't dare to love deeply again. God: Jesus and I loved you even when you were powerless to love Him back. Leave your fears with Me and pour out your love to the people around you. Replenish in Me, the everlasting fountain, and you will never be burnt out again. Read 1 Corinthians 13. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:58 AM  |