Royal Hearing |
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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
Tunes in My Head |
 Create your own Friend Test here |
Friday, March 03, 2006 |
stressed... = ... desserts |
okai yes. i am going crazy with my deadlines. and yes. i have deadlines all queuing up for me to complete! so how am I gonna cope with it? by going on date on 4th March and erm... jus reading and commenting on other ppl's blogs... haha of cos thru much prayers (or rather complaining) to God. I am typing this super fast now... and for those who got hear me type before, i think people around me are getting freaked out by how fast I am typing. lol and I am actually amused by it!! weird victoria. lemme just state my deadlines (yes... it's DEADlines. not DATElines. sorry i am just particular cos... this spelling error can be annoying to teachers and tutors alike i.e. ME! hehe)
2/3 - Psych Report 3/3 - English Project Draft 5/3 - Another psych report due online (that is already late - i.e. i asked for extension which was granted) 6/3 - English Mid-term Psych Project 2nd Draft 7/3 - Psych Mid-term Test 8/3 - Another project draft 10/3 - Another project report
ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh okai. cyas all. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:57 PM  |