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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Monday, June 12, 2006 |
how to love |
(realised this entry never got published... haha freaky... :P) must first share how inspired and bowled over by the KL campus sisters... first, they were so out of themselves! not saying that I thought they were 'hard' people la. it's just so amazing how God is the common denominator and how the Holy Spirit find kindred souls between people you just met -- just because we are His children. :P Thanks Corrinne, Seh Yen, Shiau Fong, Sim for just being so open... and so humble. :) I shall visit you all hopefully in JULY!! hehe keep me informed abt Campus Sunday ah.
so... wow. the conference was challenging. challenging in the sense that i did not expect to be reflecting on how to love. i thought i was going to learn some good old practicals on how to lead. heh my to-do lists are long. basically... how do I love by giving time? do i love by loving NOW? how do I show I feel loved by Jesus? wah piang... these three questions are just encircling my brain.
then... the next dae was asked to think about how do I support the morale in the group. at first i thot 'aiya... sisters... bleah blah bleah." but no. it's not so simple. it's abt realli reallli realli looking @ my attitude... am I going to a maintainence woman... or what? what do i want to bring into my small group? am I just a 'wheelbarrow' leader? am I shaped to be a 'square'? only moving when I am being turned? what values am I showing in my life? woah... questions questions questions.
then when Joyce and Julie shared the lesson for the women, another few arrows entered my heart. women are even more 'harmful' than men cos we know where to exact the maximum revenge... without drawing blood. scary huh? do I even keep the mission on my mind the way God wants me to? or I just keep it on my mind as sth I need to do and quickly dust it under my rug?
then vincent jumped onto the wagon to add more questions for me to ponder: what am i filled with? sins? or the spirit? both have the same starting letter... do I bear the seal of God proudly? how do i worship...? and how do I live?
well... a whole lot of questions... really enough to go thru my entire year manz. yeps. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:55 AM  |