Royal Hearing
(Proverbs 31:25-26)
"She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come.
She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue."
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Saturday, November 26, 2005
A poem for those feeling a burden

The storm clouds gathered
Drops battered the pavement
Striking the man and bending his back further
His wounds stung as salt seeped.

His face were shadowed
As he stumbled on to walk the path
Jeers were everywhere
Yet he remained silent.

No sound of anger
No sound of bitterness
No sound of hate
Only the silence of surrendered trust.

Burdens he carried
That are not meant for his back
Burdens he relieved
For those who do not deserve.

His sacrifice may go unheeded
Or even ridiculed
But for those who saw and praised
Joy were boundless.

After the mighty storm
That shook many a brave hearts
An arch of colour simmered
From the skies.

Rainbows appear
After the worst of storms
No matter how dark the hour can be
Light will appear at the very end.

The rainbow is a sign of God's promise
That He will guide us through any storm
That He will ease all our troubles
No matter what their form.

So when the days come
Filled with frustration and unexpected responsibilities
Filled with struggles that threaten to drown
Just remember God's rainbow is coming.

Your burdens and troubles
Will go into his hand
And His hand will guide you
accordingly to His Plan.

I dedicate this peom especially to people who are feeling under the strain of life... times when choices are hard, times when people let you down, times when your sins looked very big, times when your heart feels hard, times when God looks small besides your other commitments, times when bitterness threatens to overcome,... hope this poem can help.
So... I dedicate this poem to Dewey who is going to Taiwan soon! And Joanna who is struggling to hand in all your submissions and thesis. And Huiling who is fighting her own battles. And Jen who is going through your new work and studies.
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:45 PM  
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