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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Saturday, June 24, 2006 |
life's a drama |
the sentence above really fits into my life so far.
examples of 'drama':
1) ever seen or heard of anyone literally rolling down a staircase? I've known and seen ppl falling...but rolling? I think I ve the rare honour.
2) sprained my ankles for goodness-know-how-many-times by freak accidents, e.g. just walking/crossing the road/tiptoeing/etc.
3) broke up with my first boyfriend cos he did something and i was the last one to know (haha can sing britney spears " Don't let me be the last to know") (for more details either spend time with me or date me. haha)
4) my second boyfriend died from HIV virus 2 years ago.
5) my health is facing a crisis of sorts in my early 20s!!
6) I was offered drugs before (yah... i even saw it.)
7) I met a flasher 3 times in 2 years in the same housing estate... (tsk tsk... Yew Tee is so not safe. hehe)
8) I was robbed in my housing estate last month (but the thief got away with $1).
9) my first crush was announced to the whole world by my english teacher during my secondary school days.
10) i thought of committing suicide when I was 10 years old. (amazing how depressed I was hor...)
11) my sister was in the hosptial for nearly a month as she was knocked down by a bus.
12) 4 of my same-age group friends have passed away through either accidents, suicides or drug poisoning.
... the list can go on. haha sorry if this is too much information for you. my life has been good actually. It's just these spate of incidents that made me go "wow, my life is pretty dramatic in the sense that i am not exactly known for understatement in my actions and speech.
just that as I review all these, I am pretty amazed how God just kept looking out for me. before every dramatic event in these recent years i have always been blessed with good friends who was just there for me. a sister who will hold my hand to just gimme assurance. a brother who offer to beat up the offending flasher for me. a sister who write many many cards for me just to encourage me. a sister who loves to give me warm hugs and just calls my name with great enthusiasm and love. a brother who listens and listens. a sister who writes a sweet blog entry just for me just to tell me that she'll be there for me... i just feel so loved at these different times. thank you for just reassuring me. you definitely have touched my life.
"A friend loves at all times, but a brother/sister is born for adversity." |
ranted by Jerraine @ 8:48 PM  |