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(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
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Saturday, July 08, 2006 |
A meeting between a queen and God |
Below is a short exercept of a conversation between a queen and God. Be forewarned that you might find some parts discomforting.
Q stands for queen. G stands for (duh!) God.
Q: Hi dearest Heavenly Father who creates a new sunrise and sunset everyday just for me! How's Heaven today? I have been feeling rather tired lately... Think it's the MS kicking in... How ah? Is it possible to take this fatigue away from me? Yeah yeah... I know that in Psalms 55 that I am supposed to cast all my burdens and cares onto you... how should I unload? G: (silence) Q: *inspirations stikes* Okies! Thanks for giving me that inspirations! (Proceeds to find a big plastic bag.) okay I have paper and pen. (starts scribbling down all the worries in the Queen's mind) - some time passes - Q: okay... I have finished writing liao... (packs all the worries into the plastic bag) (takes bag and tied it up and proceeds to the common rubbish chute) Nah! Byebye! Bye Emotional Baggage a)! Bye Emotional Baggage b)! (of course, these are said NOT aloud...) G: Well, my child, throwing all these away are but a step. You have to regularly learn how to pack these emotional/mental baggage. If you don't, all these clutter in your brain will soon creep out and disturb your daily thinking. Do not underestimate the negativity of these baggage. Do remember that Jesus has provided the best 'rubbish chute' for you. A rubbish chute where all these rubbish will no longer take up any space anywhere. Will leave no pollution behind. Will leave no traces. But you just have to unload it to me... Q: okay... will try to remember to do this more often!!!!
-The End- |
ranted by Jerraine @ 6:33 AM  |