Royal Hearing |
Favourite |
(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
Tunes in My Head |
 Create your own Friend Test here |
Friday, July 27, 2007 |
emotions |
It's been a long day. Today a student broke through the barrier I had with my emotions. I think it showed me how much I need to rely on God and how much I have not been relying on God. I cried today over a student. And it's not the few-tears-dab-dab-i'm-okay kind. It's the once-i-cry-i-cant-stop kind. I think I am putting way too much hopes and expectations on these students. No. I am not saying I am giving them up. However I forget some lessons are learnt best through the hard way. If the best I can give them is not appreciated, then I have to learn how to step back and wash my hands off it. My door will always be open but I wont be hounding after you. Another lesson learnt through the hard way... or did I?Labels: a queen thinks |
ranted by Jerraine @ 2:33 AM  |
Sunday, July 08, 2007 |
firework extravaganza |

Just wish to share some pictures of the fireworks I took on Saturday night while on a date with Martin. Paired up with Ling and Gary! It's great to be able to catch up with good friends and enjoy such fantastic fireworks as well. :) share more when i am not sleepy. :PLabels: a thousand words has spoketh |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:43 PM  |
Friday, July 06, 2007 |
Laugh. Sing. Praise God. |
Finally found some time to sit down and type a slightly longer post. This week has been pretty interesting for me. I am now a Form Teacher (sorry to those who had heard me repeat) and I am now calling parents every day and writing different reports for students. It's interesting how previously I always looked for the form teachers to complain abt their students but now teachers are looking for me regularly to update me abt my students. I am also now in charge of a CCA - ELDDS. Strange to think abt it... I had never been in ELDDS even though I am such an animated person. lol. I think I have enough drama in my life (*wink at the sisters*).
Okay before I ramble further... I just wish to share some thoughts about what I have been reading this week. Ever since school started, I told myself that I wanted to face this semester with a new attitude. I wanted to really glorify God in my teaching and not be so caught up in negativity when students fail to respond in my class. It's tough to teach when I feel like I am a zookeeper constantly. So! In order to have a change from negative thinking, I read this book called "Mind Change" by Thomas A. Jones that Vanessa gave me. Every page has a short quote and bible verses to meditate on. Today I read this: "Be thankful. Laugh. Sing. Praise God." When I read this, I was reminded of Teck Ming's Sunday sermon when he said, "When we win, we praise God. When we lose, we praise God." This quote was illustrated powerfully in the movie " Facing the Giants". (I am going to find a way to show this movie to all my classes... to motivate them to be personally responsible.)
In 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18: "Be cheerful no matter what; pray all the time; thank God no matter what happens. This is the way God wants you who belong to Christ Jesus to live." (Message) Wow... to thank God no matter what happens... To just say thanks to a bad situation is tough enough... but to be grateful to God for a bad situation is ... ____________ (Please fill in the blank yourself). I have to be thankful to God for my students? To be thankful to God for the last-min responsibilities entrusted to me? I have to be thankful to God for unsupportive parents? I have to be thankful to God for all the extra extra workload given to me?
When all these questions flooded my mind, I caught myself going "Eh... no la... how to be thankful?" The only positive thing I could think of was that I was more prepared to be a teacher. Yet... I miss out a most important detail. In all these new situations, have I been thinking how much I want to glorify God? how much I can show others that as a Christian, God has given me the strength and joy to sustain myself in the most difficult times? Have I impacted others with my joy or with my cynicism?
Then as I was praying... I remembered one of my long term goals: To be a disciple who is known not for her fashion sense but known to be dressed in strength and dignity and how I can laugh at the days to come. (Proverbs 31:25) I have printed out these verses and pasted them on my table... (Yeah... no more 'idols' on my table la... :P). As I prayed, I also remember how David is currently fighting with so much vigour in his battle with cancer. I remembered reading how Thomas Jones fought his multiple sclerosis. I remember how Paul kept his spirit up despite of him being imprisoned. They all shine so brightly because of their constant gratitude towards God.
Thus, I am also going to strive to be a teacher and colleague who glorifies God in everything I do. Let's all do that together k?
Let's continue to keep praying for David as he's undergoing his operations now...Labels: my time with Him |
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:25 PM  |
Monday, July 02, 2007 |
yet another royal ramblings no. __ |
I realise that when one is feeling emotional... it's good to have a good cry, pray and then go to sleep.
It's not good to stay awake at night for too long when one is emotional... your mind start to go wild with all sorts of unbridled thoughts. and you are too emotional to even try to be disciplined in ur thinking... so SLEEPING is a good idea.
i shall sleep earlier tonight. (no, i am not emo tonight. I just got to wake up at 530am tomorrow.)Labels: a queen thinks |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:02 PM  |