Royal Hearing |
Favourite |
(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
Tunes in My Head |
 Create your own Friend Test here |
Monday, December 26, 2005 |
A Time to Reflect... |
wanted to actually use the time todae to upload the photos then organise my memories about the Ipoh trip. then realised that the disc is with Martin and I forgot to get it from him on Saturdae or Sundae... bleahz.
yesterdae was a very interesting dae... it was Christmas and went down for Sundae service... spent the night eefore and the morning writing out cards and inhaling toxic fumes. had to wracked my brain on how to write some cards for the brothers and sisters. had already spent so many nights (about 3) trying to finish the cards i want to write. bleahz. too ambitious? too attention-seeking? too-christmasy spirited? i dunno. sorry to those i din manage to get the card out to. they are still at home... :P i also enjoyed running around giving ppl their presents and cards. haha had to wait for Jennie to arrive before I could start cos she was late. well after giving out everything and then wishing everyone merry christmas then rushed downstairs to meet my group to go down to airport for lunch. then we chatted along the way, opening our presents and reading our cards... then we had lunch at the airport and i made my way home soon after that. cos i needed to be home to prepare my family's christmas dinner. it was quite easy to prepare it as minimal cooking was needed and had a good time laughing over jokes my brother made and just listening to my sister and brother banter. i as quite quiet... and it was only after everything ended i realised why... deep inside my heart, i seem to feel detached from all this christmas thingie... and i think i know it and that's why i keep trying to surround myself with people and busy myself with activities. but somehow there's a part of me that's feeling a bit detached. then i came to realise why... becos i think i knew that i am missing part of what christmas meant. christmas actually meant the birthdae of Jesus (yes u can argue whether Jesus was realli born on 25th December or not... to me that's just a technical problem.). I forgot to celebrate Jesus's birthdae... I forgot to prepare a party for Him! I was so caught up in the other aspects of Christmas that I forgot the most important part... and the play on Sundae reminded me and I guessed that's why I realised I was feeling abit detached... and after that got a sms from Vanessa telling us to think about our resolutions... then i was like yeah... think i realli need to sit down and reflect and spend some good quality time with God... and not just routine spend time but a good time...
430pm - woke up feeling fired up... had a good quiet time with God, discussing with Him about my New Year Resolutions and stuff... but then after that I felt bored... maybe becos i din wanna play Maple Story, Gunbound or watever games. no book interested me though the book Huiling gave me is a book I wanted to read quite some time liao. then was planning to go join clara and jen at their spend time in bugis... then it hit me. hey! why dun i just use the time to have a good date with God? i knew a part of me wasn't willing as that part of me kept demanding "fun! excitement! why sit down? go out! fun! be siao!" but another part of me kept whispering "you need to sit down... think of God..." so... i decided to combine both parts together and have a surprise birthdae party for Jesus! okai... it sounds duh i know. but I think Jesus and I enjoyed it lots k? I prepared some biscuits and sparkling juice and cheese and just shared to Jesus what I wanna thank Him for. As I was sharing, I realised that the New year resolutions I made in the morning wasn't very well-thought-out. they seemed more like 'i-have-to-make-resolutions-so-this-are-the-resolutions'. and I apologised to Jesus about it. Then I talked to Jesus about the dreams I have for next year... the things I wish to accomplish and somehow I could realli feel Jesus smiling at me. wrote down the things I thanked Jesus for... I realised wow there are so many blessings Jesus have given me this year! abt 200 over and still counting... i will share abt them some other time. or u can spend time with me to find out lah. ;) all in all, I finally felt the detached part of me disappeared... my time with God is really important... even my body will subconsciously tell me liao. amen. thanks God. Happy belated birthdae again Jesus! |
ranted by Jerraine @ 2:35 AM  |
Thursday, December 22, 2005 |
Another prelude... hehe |
Going to type abt the IPOH trip when I get the CD from Alfred... then I shall make it a photo entry... heh.
Aniwaes... going to gush abt this drama serial I have been watching... it's called MARS. It's a taiwanese idol drama adapted from a Japanese comic called MARS. In chinese, it's translated to "戰神". I declare now that I am in love with the male lead!! haha... i already liked the male lead a lot in the comic... Seeing Zai Zai acting it out... wow. I dun realli like Zai Zai one cos I prefer Jerry Yen in Meteor Garden... but now... wah... Zai Zai is super cool inside! or rather the character is super cool! I still dun like Zai Zai but inside the show wah... drool-material. (Sorry ah to the brothers or guys reading this... I am going to be going on and on abt MARS. so bear with me if u gonna read it; if u think u cannot tahan... pls stop reading NOW. heh)
I realli like this drama serial not because it has a realli good romantic plot inside... but because it realli follows the comic storyline closely!! Meteor Garden 1 was so wildly popular cos it followed the comic storyline... but Meteor Garden 2 was a flop cos they decided to improvise! Morale of story... dun mess with a good storyline!! oookay i am digressing. (WARNING! SPOILER AHEAD!)
The story goes like this... This male lead called Ling (L) asked the female lead called Qi Luo (QL) for directions to this hospital where L's good guy friend was staying due to a accident at the motorcycle races. QL was very shy and din talk to L; instead she drew a map as L was trying to remeber the hospital's name. Then L saw that QL actually drew the map behind one of her own pencil sketches. It left a deep impression on L as it was a pencil sketch on a mom holding a baby boy. So L started to interact more frequently with QL. QL wanted to ignore him at first but L was very persistent lah... and then QL kena warned by another girl who also liked L. L is a very attractive and charming guy lah whose dream is to race in the GP500 (like F1 tournament for cars, GP500 is THE tournament for motorbikers). I am not going to sae much anymore but basically both of them have their own fair share of traumas and psychological scars that they need to recover from. And the whole drama is revolving on how they overcame the tragedies that happened in their pasts... wah piang.... in the last few episodes i was almost tearing everytime cos it was so moving. the first few episodes will not be so engaging at first... but i got hooked very fast all the same. haha i loved the comic liao mah... so for me it's like "wah... wah..." the psychological theories used in this drama was also quite accurate. shows the research of the comic artist loh... *contented sigh* i also loved the storyline as i feel that to be able to overcome the scars in ur life with ur loved one is such a privilege and rare thing to do... .... as u all know... just reading my blog will make u aware that i have my own fair share of scars that shape the way i am todae. it appeals to the hopeless romantic in me that there can be someone out there who will be able to understand the scars and love me with the 'scars' and all. of cos there is already one who is doing that... and that is God. however, it's slightly different in this story it's abt helping one another and being there for one another as both need each other... and i do hope that i can find such a relationship in the Kingdom... I love this line in the drama: the translated version is "if we do not hold hands together, we will not be able to come out of the tragedies." *sniff* okai... i am in a sentimental mood... sigh................................ signing out! |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:39 AM  |
Thursday, December 15, 2005 |
Prelude to my Ramblings on Ipoh trip |
Hey everyone! Yeah! I am back from Ipoh! Woohoo! It's a generally great trip~ if only I din fall sick. bleahz. but well will share more abt that later. just wanna share a poem with u all that I wrote on the way back. will type more abt my version of the events later... hehe gonna need the photos from mari, quek, joanna, gwen they all...
It's a rather sentimental poem cos I was feeling rather emotional when writing it. so erm... dun read it if u might feel uncomfortable reading literary stuff abt emotions and that sorts.
Loving Someone
As emotions teeter on a brink a vaccum appears in my heart Loving him is like dropping into a bottomless abyss Yet I embarked on this path of no return
Questions flood the mind The whys, the hows, the whats clamour for answers But none can be found Struggle to be free yet I find myself lingering in the halls of memories
Barriers are erected None are coming down easily Numerous locks bolt the door Yet only one key is needed to open all
To love or not to love Is a age-old dilemma Someone up there loves me for who I am But I still ache for the one who I loved so much before. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 3:11 PM  |
Friday, December 09, 2005 |
"Happy birthdae to me, happy birthdae to me, happy birthdae toOOoooOo mEEeeee, happy birthdae to me."
haha i am now officially 22 years old liao. abit scary to see how fast time flies when you want time to slow down... Thanks God for letting me have such a good life so far... for giving me so many comforts and things that I often take for granted. Thanks for giving me the friends who have given me so much different things, be it perspectives, lessons, etc. Thanks for everything so far... will be more detailed in my letter to you!! *private entry for God... heh*
aniwaes... been some time since I last updated my blog. haha at least a week liao!! quite a feat for someone who is known to be lor-soh... :P been quite an eventful week... on Saturdae, went for Marilyn's birthdae party and it was so farnie! Seeing so many different costumes and haha.... I love the Roman soliders' costumes and Spiderman and the Grim Reaper one! the Dim Sum Dolly one was also la-gi best. =P Some were pretty creative like Sera's one.
Sundae was abit *gong gong* for me as I think I was suffering the post-effects of exams and jumping too much for joy. Mondae was a bit of a blur... then Tuesdae was the start for mah volunteering @ Tinkle Friend Camp. haha... super tiring... but quite interesting as I see what I learnt materialized in different various forms. my group was abit slow to warm up and there was a couple of problem kids but then my group's biggest problem is their lack of enthusiasm in the beginning. :P The other groups had missing children. hyperactive children, etc. I count myself lucky. Then after a dae of leading and teaching children in cheers, doing flags, negotiations to ask them to be more enthu... I went to Settler's Cafe for another brain grilling! haha... played hamster rolle, and Bootleggers. Bootleggers is an exciting game... I recommend this for ppl who likes elements of 'sabo', 'gangsterism', etc. HAHA not too much thinking but quite a fair bit liao... hehe. went home with a really total dead brain cos i think used up all the reserves as well. was very entertained as well on the way home as I witnessed how a brother was totally suaned by another sister. HAHA i am mean.
Wednesdae was a dae where I find myself really exercising. The whole camp went to the zoo for 3 hours... but I felt that it was like 6 hours instead. haha... it was short lah... but the effort... gosh. my group was pretty obedient so I was lucky... but near the end, they were all pretty tired doing the Amazing Race thingie. however i think wednesdae was good cos it set the mood for thursdae. We had telematch and for the first time, my co-leader and I need not to lead the children in their cheer. they did it by themselves... wah I was so proud. haha. the children was also pretty excited about their roles in the performance and we did a skit called 99 Coins which was supposed to explain the value of simplicity. haha this camp was pretty meaningful - teaching the children about the need to love Earth (conservation), respect friends and being confident abt oneself, teamwork, co-operation, etc. then the kids had to do the feedback form abt the camp... haha quite farnie some of the children is. *yoda-speak*. "what you like abt the leaders? nil. what you dislike abt the leaders? nil." hahaha.
Now resting... hehe. came back to office to collect cheque and to teach David all the admin stuff I was in charge of. =P but pretty laidback... which was good cos then I can relak and recover my energy to 'chiong' in Ipoh. ahhhh... IPOH!! HERE I COME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
will talk more when I reach home. :) |
ranted by Jerraine @ 5:29 PM  |
Friday, December 02, 2005 |
Holidaes Holidaes HOLIDAES! |
yay... it's the holidaes! and i am sure looking forward to have some time to be alone with God... I mean to have my date with God after like 1 month? been studying and getting distracted and studying... and I am glad that finally my papers are over and that I can work on what's been bothering me with my full attention.... yep! Thanks God for showing once again that you're the one in control and you are the one who knows everything that is going to happen to me!
Will blog more... when I finished my reflection. :) |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:16 AM  |