Royal Hearing |
Favourite |
(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
Tunes in My Head |
 Create your own Friend Test here |
Wednesday, May 25, 2005 |
Things I Can't Give Up... |
Hey peeps! Realised I din update my blog for almost a week. Lol... Saw some of my friends' blog... wah... they are realli hardworking. Can update it daily leh... I too lazy to do that. Aniwaes... was doing my quiet time and have been thinking abt the questions in the recent workshop. I must say the workshop came at the perfect timing for me. Presently is a period of time for lotsa my own self-reflections and this workshop 'forced' me to examine some questions even deeper. Aniwaes... one of the questions was things I find it hard to give up. Was talking to Martin abt it the other dae and he was saying that alot of things we think we cannot give up is due to the mind. And I was like 'hmmm...'. Maybe it's true... from a learning perspective (i talking abt skinner here), maybe the things we do are all learned so it can also be 'unlearned'. However, there are also needs that we think we have that must be fulfilled in order to lead a satisfying life. Okay... I shan't go on and talk abt psychological theories too much. Heh. And I was thinking that I dun realli have alot of material needs e.g. I wont die if I don shop, I wont die if i don buy new makeup or accessories (maybe I will struggle more with earrings. =P), I wont die if I dun eat good food, etc. However, these are just some material needs. I realized I will really struggle if I fast on reading storybooks. Wah piang, I go thru at least 2 story books a week. And that's the bare minimum. Average I think 1 book every 2 days. I practically eat books. And I realized wow... I am so dependent on books. This is sth I never realized or rather never faced it so blatantly. And I think another thing I can't do without is computer. Like computer games, msn-ing, etc etc. Wah... think I can go mad without computer for more than 1 month. Haha... Can't imagine my life without a computer... My Neopets, MapleStory, AdventureQuest,etcetc. Hmmm... feeling tired liao. tink i will talk more abt this another dae... cyas folks... but before i go off, what is some things you can't give up? hehe. =)
love, victoria |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:24 AM  |
 Hey! Din u read the sign? It's R-E-S-E-R-V-E-D! Posted by Hello |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:33 AM  |
 Yummy... Really delicious-looking strawberry shortcake! Now on sale at Marche for $4.80 at the Pastry stall. Posted by Hello |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:32 AM  |
Wednesday, May 18, 2005 |
Modesty |
Hey peeps, I have been doing some research on the topic of modesty. It's quite interesting how different websites 'preached' different principles on modesty. And I found this website that said Christian women should not wear pants at all... Yep, no jeans, no shorts, no bermudas, zilch. I was laughing like mad... but it looked very convincing as the article by the woman quoted one bible verse after another. Maybe the woman will say I am a stubborn rebel. =P I do have my own convictions about modesty but not so extreme. Was doing some refreshing of my memory for such verses and as I was thinking deeply abt it, modesty is sth not restricted to physical appearance but also the inner heart - basically our thinking and behaviour. And I was thinking what might is immodesty in behaviour and thinking... And as I was reading, I realized one form of immodesty is lack of submissive spirit. Wah piang... I am already struggling with the issue of trusting God 100% and now this. Well, this two are very related and I realised that some of my behaviour in front of my brothers and sisters may not have been very modest. I'm someone who is used to quick decisions and abit 'gan jiong'-mama. I find it hard to trust people especially guys who take a long time to make decisions or when they have failed my trust in them several times (3 times usually my limit). And I need to have a sense of respect for them before I can be realli submissive to them - k my submissiveness here doesn't mean i let them do everything, decide everything ah - and support them... Immodesty in the physical appearance can be easy to overcome - just throw away the revealing clothes or modify the way we wear them. However, immodesty in the heart e.g. convictions on why we dun wanna let brothers be tempted, submissiveness, etc these are alot harder to achieve because we are so trained by the world that it is wrong to think this way, or we are 'brainwashed' if we believe in modesty in the godly sense. My heart needs to feel the want to obey God and the Word on such issues otherwise actions will be just actions without the convictions and it will be very easy to be tempted down the same old road again. And for me now, the verse on ephesians 5 is very good for my memory... especially verse 3 "but among you there must not be even a hint of sexual immorality, or of any kind of impurity, or of greed, because these are improper for God's holy people." And tempting people is also a sin as well... It realli is sth I constantly need to remind myself because discipline is also sth I struggle with and it's not easy to keep up these convictions without a sense of discipline... Well, here's what I want to just share... hopefully it doesn't go down badly. =P |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:43 AM  |
Sunday, May 15, 2005 |
Mystery Of The Nile... |
Watched Mystery Of The Nile just now with Khiok Seng and Eugene and Jane... It was a double date... Wow... the movie was just stupendously fabulous! Saw 3 Wonders of the World on the film... Watched the show at OmniMax... so you can imagine the Nile River, the pyramids, and this christian temple that built out of bedrock... I was utterly amazed... at the miracles God can do through man... Here's some of the amazing pictures I managed to find through the internet. I read the introduction how these rocks are built from bedrock... Basically, a king built these in 25 years with help from angels... Read it with a pinch a salt lah... I am just amazed enough by the creation... by the lack of technology even then!
The pictures shown here are pictures of Bet Giorgis, a church dedicted to St George who is the patron saint of Ethiopia. This was built like in 1167 - 1207... Truly, when I saw the bedrock-hewn church on the film just now, it just emphasized to me how small I am... And yet God constantly reach out to us and kept on wanting to have a relationship with us... This link will lead u to the website where I found the pictures and info. It made me feel so grateful that God is the Lord who can do everything... And that I am his child... Yeah... it's definitely food for thought! I'll type more later about it when I thought thru it more...
aniwaes, yesterdae I stayed over @ joanna's hse and it was interesting in the sense that we din realli had the chance to spend time with one another but we still got to know each other a bit better.. I think it's due to the temperament test... =) Aniwaes.. I'm falling asleep... think I'll type more tml then.
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:50 PM  |
Friday, May 13, 2005 |
 The Nus Ministry! Com'on! Posted by Hello |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:42 AM  |
 Advertisement break: Here's Joanna telling you how fish is ideal for BBQs! Posted by Hello |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:39 AM  |
Trust |
Hi people... Decided I should update my blog since I'm kinda waitng to go NUH for my checkup... It's so ***** expensive!! Nevermind... that's another blog topic (hopefully I do get to remember to write... haha or rather not too lazy... =P). Just wanna write about trust... The definition for trust is quite plentiful:
- Firm reliance on the integrity, ability, or character of a person or thing.
- Custody; care.
- Something committed into the care of another; charge.
- The condition and resulting obligation of having confidence placed in one
- One in which confidence is placed.
- Reliance on something in the future; hope.
- Reliance on the intention and ability of a purchaser to pay in the future; credit.
- Law.
A legal title to property held by one party for the benefit of another. The confidence reposed in a trustee when giving the trustee legal title to property to administer for another, together with the trustee's obligation regarding that property and the beneficiary. The property so held. Well... that's the definition... Was spending time with Jayne the other day and she told me about my lack of trust in God... or rather the lack of surrender. I get worried easily and when I get flustered, I tend to rely on my own strength instead of praying to God continously to give me strength... And I dun rely on God enough to help me with my discipline. As she showed me the verses in Jeremiah 17:5-8, she gave me a different insight about how terrible it is for the future for someone who dun trusts in God... I have read that verse quite a few times; people have shown me quite a few times also... but I never realli looked into the poetic meaning and the literal meaning of the verse much. (this reminds me... another way to look at the poems in the Bible - that is to study them like English Literature... ) I've always been too quick to look at how the so-called hidden message and din realli stop to look at the visuals God was providing for me just through the Bible... And it hit me... that it was so horrible and ghastly. To be at the mercy of the nature's elements and just getting absolute no rewards - it's a worst nightmare. It just also underlines just how much God wants us to trust in Him... how much He wants ME to trust in him 100 percent and not any less. The difference between trusting him 100 percent and 99 percent is actually like Heaven and Hell. Realli... And it's hard for me... cos I find it so natural to just go back to my busy ways and neglect to call on God ardently enough. Yeah... I do pray and do my Quiet time. I do fast and I also do pray fervently enough whenever I'm in trouble. But do I really have the trust that God will change things, that God has the best plans for me? Nope.... It also shows in my desire to change... Jayne was telling me about how I should not just have the desire to change but the PASSION. Desire is like a flickering candle... but Passion is like a furnace... and this switch from desire to passion has to do with my trust in God. Am I trusting enough to want to change for God even though I fear to change? Do I trust in his good plans for me enough... It was a lot of food for thought for me... and till now, I am still thinking about it. I'm really grateful that God always provides me with opportunities to think deeply about my faith and my relationship with Him... He knows that my weaknesses so well... I'm not going to rush into getting a understanding about this... I'm going to take my time and just think about it. And that's that.
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:59 AM  |
Tuesday, May 10, 2005 |
Yoohoo! |
Hey folks! Wow.. finally my first post after such a looong time... haha... sorry blog... master has neglected you for some time... *repenting* Sigh... got so many things to type about... then I got busy then I think I got overwhelmed by how much I needed to type abt... e.g. my birthday party, year-end party, chinese new year, etc etc. Yikes! haha. Then I got inspired to start again due to the personality test I took... It was interesting... I am a Sanguine-Phlegmatic! Wow. I changed personality. haha. Aniwaes, here's the weakness of a Sanguine... my first dominant part of personality.
Weaknesses of a Sanguine
Compulsive talker Exaggerates and elaborates Dwells on trivia Can't remember names Scares others off Too happy for some Has restless energy Egotistical Blusters and complains Naive, gets taken in Has loud voice and laugh Controlled by circumstances Gets angry easily Seems phony to some Never Grows Up
The Sanguine As A Parent
Keeps home in a frenzy Forgets children's appointments disorganized Doesn't listen to the whole story
The Sanguine At Work
Would rather talk forgets obligations Doesn't follow through Confidence fades fast Undisciplined Priorities out of order Decides by feelings Easily distracted Wastes time talking
The Sanguine As a Friend
Hates to be alone Needs to be center stage Wants to be popular Looks for credit dominates conversations Interrupts and doesn't listen answers for others Fickle and forgetful Makes excuses Repeats stories
Hmm... wow... wah piang... so like ME!! haha now... here's the strengths...
The Sanguine's Emotions
Appealing personality Talkative, Storyteller Life of the Party Good sense of humor Memory for color Physically holds on to listener Emotional and demonstrative Enthusiastic and expressive Cheerful and bubbling over Curious Good on stage Wide-eyed and innocent Lives in the present Changeable disposition Sincere at heart Always a child
The Sanguine As A Parent
Makes Home Fun Is liked by children's friends Turns disaster into humor Is the circus master
The Sanguine At Work
Volunteers for Jobs thinks up new activities Looks great on the Surface Creative and colorful Has energy and enthusiasm Starts in a flashy way Inspires others to join charms others to work
The Sanguine As a Friend
Makes friends easily Loves People Thrives on compliments Seems exciting envied by others Doesn't hold grudges apologizes quickly Prevents dull moments Likes spontaneous activities
Okay... I shall go on with Phlegmatic... actually my sanguine scores is so high... that other scores is very low... my choleric score is 3... while my phlegmatic is 10 while melancholic is 8 i think... heh... So thus... think I need not go on. haha... Quite interesting to see how sanguine I am... hmmm...
The link to the personality test is Enjoy~! |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:52 AM  |