Royal Hearing |
Favourite |
(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
Tunes in My Head |
 Create your own Friend Test here |
Tuesday, October 12, 2004 |
My Maternal Grandma |
Hi peeps...
today what I wanna write abt is my grandma, the mother who gave birth to my mother. She's someone who I'm very close to. Presently, she's back in hosptial again... as her limbs are swollen. The doctors were not able to find out the cause in her first hosptialization, but now they finally concluded that it is a old-person's sickness. Basically, she has no illness; it's just her body not being able to function properly due to her old age...
Whenever I visit her, I just feel that I really need to treasure my time with her. She's about 79 years old liao... coming to 80. I have quite a few childhood memories with her and she's someone who's been really kind and nice to me. She knows me quite well as well and though she does have some favouritism. she really tries to be fair in her love to all her grandchildren. I went on several trips with her and though that time she was also 60 plus, 70 plus, she was still very active and compared to my sister, even more energetic than her!! haha. Two years ago, she even went to Australia for a month with my aunt and her family. Think she's been to a lot of countries liao... haha China, Malaysia, Hongkong, Australia, US, Thailand, Indonesia...
She's someone who's very easy to get along with and she's not picky in her food. I really love her a lot... and though these past 3 years I have not been able to visit her that often or go out with her that often, my bond with her never really lessened. Haha... maybe bcos I have such a contrast with my paternal grandma who is selfish, picky, fussy, quarrelsome, etc. But enough of my paternal grandma. I am quite negative over her one... but well, she's still my grandma nonetheless and even if I cant really love her as much, I must respect her. Bleh. My maternal grandma is such a sweet person. Whenever she knows I am going over, she will make her speciality cos she knows I love it... haha she enjoys seeing me eat. And though I got fatter over the years she never derided me over it. She was only concerned abt how it might affect my health and she even put lotsa of vegetables in her speciality dish. Seeing her now bedridden and so weak pains my heart. One year ago, she was still so active and only complains of the occasional cold. Now she has arithitis, rhemutism, weak muscles,.. whoever reads this, pls pray for her.
In her first hospitalization, my grandma suffered from water in her lungs and she had respiratory difficulties. I really hope this time she will be out of hosptial soon and need not go through so much pain... I can only go there and talk to her, buy her little stuff, yeah... bring her her fave fruits. sigh... going to go pray for a while. Heart feeling too burdened... always feel like this whenever think of my grandma. cyas later folks.
ranted by Jerraine @ 8:13 PM  |
Melancholy... |
Hey peeps, yup it's me again.
5 days since I last updated eh... me been real busy with my project proposals and all.. still got another 2 weeks to go.. then need to start revising for exams liao... aniwaes, now i'm feeling slightly melancholy...
tml or rather today is someone's birthdae... His name is Eric. If he's still alive, he would be 26 years old now... well... sigh. Shan't think abt it too much...
Today I was rushing in school and tuition... like a busy bee.. heh then went down to NTU to discuss with Jen what to do for her birthdae party.... dunno whether i am too dominating or what. haha i ma cham was telling Jen what to do and not to do. Sorry Jen if I was too forceful. (Jen baby, maybe u will find me quite insecure these daes... think it's my emotional side coming up again... ) mebbe due to the diet i'm on. suppressing my appetite. =P so i am sometimes super hyper sometimes super sensitive to what ppl said.
and todae i was told that i laughed too loudly too many times. yeah. maybe it's the timing and venue. it's probably very true that i shouldn't laugh too loudly in the tutorial room when people are studying. hmm however think... i just want to enjoy being able to laugh... well, the comment made me feel self-conscious, slightly insecure... and also hurt somewhat. and did i talk to the person abt it? nah... why din i do it? cos... i think if i am not feeling super sensitive/abit insecure at that time, that comment wld have rolled off me and been dumped in the deep blue sea somewhere. haha. think what guys said can be quite right sometimes. some gals' moods are just hard to predict. and i think my moods can be hard to detect especially when i am usually quite happy-go-lucky. seldom show my melancholic side except to sistas. think i need to sleep on the matter and just pray to God abt how I felt... and see what God has to teach me and want me to learn...
tml i gotta teach more tuition then after this week, i shall have no more income from tuition liao... sigh. okay on a happier note, the group experiment that i'll be doing seems to be going pretty well so far. hmm think i shall not continue to write further.. shall go watch Jerry Yan on television!!!!!
pls God help me sustain what I wrote in the card. amen. thanks.
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:09 AM  |
Wednesday, October 06, 2004 |
Ugly Ducking Or Swan? |
Heyhey peeps!!
heh... today's the 2nd day of my diet... I must say this.... IT'S NOT EASY!! But I must say, I am happy that I can say no to tempations today... so score one for Victoria today! =P Came home to see one of my favourite foods, dumplings... Wah.... so salivating cos it's my Aunt who did it and she's super good at it. But I went to eat watermelon in order to keep my mind off it. Think fruits will be my best friend very soon.
Aniwae, I was watching a show just now. The show was titled "The Swan" and basically it's like Extreme Makeover with more drama plus beauty pageant-style. The 2 women were chosen and they would be judged whether to be beauty pageant material after the whole process. Throughout the whole process, they also never saw themselves in the mirror until the end of 3 months. It was amazing lah... to see how much they changed and what plastic surgery and a good exercise routine can do. But well, their psychology just worries me... cos they seemed to have the mindset that... if their body become beautiful; then their life will be good. Such mentality is not being obviously preached but the subtle message is everywhere. People with less than perfect figures and looks are supposed to have low self-esteem and feel worthless. Luckily, the 2 people dun look as extreme as the Extreme Makeover participants. They still have a normal good figure and I can still see their face despite the tucks and whatever... some people in Extreme Makeover seem to take on a totally different face. Well, it's EXTREME makeover.
It made me think abt our concepts of beauty todae... think I talked abt it before in my post in the campus ministry yahoo group. It just made me feel sad for sometimes the harshest critics are not men but the women themselves. The psychology of society is now completely warped on beauty and the role of women. Maybe I'm wrong but this is how I feel. Yeah....
Need to go do my work liao. Ciao!
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:53 PM  |
Monday, October 04, 2004 |
Decisions |
On what? Heh... Well, I shall touch on that after I share abt my day todae. Aniwaes, today was a crazeee dae... was rushing my projects and handing in my mid-term essay. Phew, managed to hand in 10 mins before the deadline. Bleh, then sat through 3 hrs of droning by my social lab prof who went on and on abt the validity and reliability of our experiments. Then he told us that we need to hand in our experiments for ethics committee to vet... WHAT VET? He had conveniently forgot to tell us until this week. Best, cos next week we supposed to start collecting data. *Bish*
Then the whole lesson ended at 7pm. I had Combined Leader's Meeting @ 7.30pm @ Paya Lebar. Yeah... I'm still at NUS (Clementi) at 701pm. I had no lunch nor dinner yet. Called Vanessa to buy me some bread. Then I rushed down to Paya Lebar. Okay, reached there at 8ish pm. Had a great lesson by John who talked abt the lack of courage in leaders nowadaes. I like whenever John preached. He's always able to just add that touch of X-factor and zing to any sermon he does. Not that I dun appreciate other ppl's sermons; I just always end up feeling a bit more zinged after John's sermon. During his whole sermon, my mind kept struggling with a decision. Yup, I'm getting to the point of my title. And the struggle was huge... I've been struggling with that decision ever since I became a leader. I managed to shelve it and buried it under a lot of other thoughts but todae it was surfacing again and unlike other times when it threatened to surface, I finally decided to just pluck up the courage to do it. I made that decision after Vanessa told me that the NUS sisters are really not tough on one another.
I have decided to be hard on myself. Maybe u'll go 'huh?' Well, what I meant was I decided to really carry the cross of Jesus every single day. That meaning that I will be hard on myself not only on just the important issues; but also on issues that may seem to be minor. Like punctuality, having valid excuses not going to service, reading romance novels, really sticking to my diet and exercise plans. Why such a deicison? Well, I always find it hard to tell the truth to people I'm close to, and to sisters as well. Why? I've always thought that it's because I really treasured their friendship and I don't want to jeopardize the friendship... So I dealt with putting God first in all my relationships. Okay, it helped me but it still din make me change as much as expected. Why? Because there's another reason due to this. I din have the courage to be hard on someone. Because when I'm hard on someone; I need to be hard on myself. And I find it very very difficult to be hard on myself. Basically it's abt my discipline. I may be upset/discouraged by it but I was never broken enough abt it. Finally, after this long while, I think I finally really made the decision.
HOW? I decided to start with small steps first. So my decisions is as below:
1) Stop reading all the romance Chinese novels. Yeah, I only read the storylines and I do pick the 'clean' authors... but it's still not a healthy thing to read.
2) To be there for my sisters and brothers in NUS for activities - to cut down on the 'valid excuses' for my absences- even in hangouts.
3) To stick to my diet plan.
Okay, remember how I promised to share abt my diet plans todae? Yeah... Irene told me to be very focused and specific and really to pray for my brokenheartness. Please do help me to remain accountable!! It's going to start tml.
1) Fast food meals are only allowed once a month.
2) No chocolate -zilch- until I lose 6 kg.
3) No soft drinks for me - I can only drink tea, coffee, milk, or green tea.
4) Ice cream only allowed once a month.
5) No tidbits between 3 meals - only fruits and green salads with minimal dressing are allowed.
6) When I eat outside, I shall only eat one meal of rice/starchy foods with 1 meat dish/2 veggies max while the other should just consist of vegetables/fruits/fish.
7) I shall not consume any other foods besides fruits after 9pm.
Well, these are the rules I shall abide from now on until I manage to lose 10 kg.
Of course, with this, exercise must also come along. However, I shall only put my exercise schedule up on thursday. Heh... I shall be praying hard... =)
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:14 PM  |
Sunday Service |
Hey all!
Had a great time today just being with the sistas during morning devo and also enjoyed Wee Keong's sermon alot! I just wanna also commend Vanessa for her great singing and for Wee Keong who laid the truth out for all of us to see... THANKS, GOD!
Well, reflecting on the devotional this morning, I just have to say that I've got quite a few mixed feelings about it. Joanna did a great lesson sharing about her struggles and abt how we shld look at our struggles with God in mind. Her sharing was illustrated with pictures! So cute... haha. macham remind of primary school. =P No lah, she just 'impacted' me with her growth loh... And it brought me to start to think about my own growth. Cos I think I feel quite stagnant. I'm like neither here nor there; neither up nor down. I'm not too sure how I can go abt getting myself out of the rut. Yeah, I know I can start with delving really deeply into the Bible but it seems like just an extension of knowledge. Being more passionate for God in my daily activities... well it seems that it's just actions. So I was just wondering about this...
Then Wee Keong shared abt Growing during the sermon. I was like going 'woah' inside. Wow, God really got plans for me man. Actually, think I knew the answers to my questions but it's just whether I wanted to make a commitment to the answers... like my diet plans. bleh. For me to grow, I really need to have a Christlike motivation. Not for my own glory; not for other ppl; but because God wants me to grow. He loves me so much that he gave me so many different talents and opportunities and different people to help to grow. And I find myself becoming less grateful and taking God's blessings more for granted... It is so easy for me to settle back to a kind of routine or schedule. Yeah, I can still be very passionate about God in my singing and even in my bible studies, etc. However, the joy are short-lived. I find myself constantly battling with negative feelings every night before I sleep. I find myself not wanting to wake up to do things. I find myself feeling very tired everyday. I feel very drained and use this as an excuse to not grow.
And Wee Keong highlighted something to me. Why am I always feeling so tired? So burnt out? Oh... because I refuse to let go. I refuse to let go of people that saps me of my energy. I'll feel guilt stricken if I dun reach out to this friend or if I dun listen to this friend's problems, etc. However, am I really guilt-stricken? Or am I doing it because I think I'm supposed to be living up to my 'loving' reputation? I realised that I'm not giving ppl any choices as well. Some people want to let go of my hand and just dive. I'm stil holding on because I know the hurts and pains that wait for them. However, I forget that they also have to make the choice to dive though they know the hurts and pains that wait for them. So when I try to stop them. I find myself always almost dropping into the chasm with them. Please Father, help me be able to let go. Help me be able to let ppl make their own choices. Let me love them but not control their lives. Also give me the strength to say no to people. To speak the truth to people who I know need it but I just keep waiting for a 'better chance' to say it. Well, there's no better chance than 'now'. Help me Lord, to be grateful and to love the people like how You love me. You never wanted to dictate my life. You wanted me to make my own choices. You let me know the pros and cons and was always there for me when I need You. It's just whether I wanted to seek You anot. You know that You can't force me to go to you; however it's the knowledge and the assurance that You will be waiting for me; to comfort, to love and to listen. Help me be able to let go of my worries. Thanks God... Your example of love is so hard to follow but it's really the only true way...
I must also admit, I felt some BA towards a certain somebody todae... Nope, it's not a sister.. but a brother. However, I find myself being so critical of him that it's wrong of me. What right do I have to judge someone so harshly? Am I not like that before? Please remove this resentment within me. Help me able to love the brother as I should before and not be judgemental. Let me not be prejudiced and apply stereotypes. Let me remember that I'm human too...
I ain't a very submissive sister lah...Nor a very disciplined one... yep. Hmm, think I shld go back to working on my diet plans. Learned from Irene that I really need to be broken abt this. Not because of my concern for outer appearance but I shld do it for my health and also for spiritual growth. Mebbe u might be scratching ur head as inhow weight and diet can be linked to spiritual growth. Well, it can. I'm taking enough care of my 'temple of God'. So i really need to repent and reflect on this. Aniwaes, nites all. I shall be posting my diet plans tml in the blog. heh... help me accountable k? Cyas all!
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:09 AM  |
Saturday, October 02, 2004 |
Narcissim |
Eh... hope I din spell my title wrongly.
Well, why this title? B'cos I have putting up alot of my own photos... hehe... Really like this blog, at least I can keep alot of photos!! Amen. Aniwaes.. seeing this photos always brings back a lot of memories... hmmm I really miss those daes...
Looking at these photos also reminds me of my sporty nature last time... which now has been replaced with my lethargy. Think I really want to go back to playing netball. It's a sport that I was really passionate abt before. I could stay behind to just train for shootings almost everydae and last time trainings were abt twice a week, 3-4 hours straight per session. Under the hot noon/afternoon sun. Wow... last time I really had quite some grit I think. haha... we were only allowed half a cup of water every 1 hour. imagine... and also last time how the whole team were put through the drill. trust me, netball training is not just abt shooting. passing... it's also abt PT = physical training. haha i call it physical torture. =P And last time... my seniors were much stricter. I can still remember the passing at the rifle range. wow. the power of the passes. we were made to stand in front of these walls and the seniors will pass a really hard right hand pass at us. we juniors need to go and catch it or when the ball bounce on the wall behind us; we either get hit by the ball or get punished. Think that's when i really having strong grip...
Haha... oh no I'm going down memory's lane again... but well, these memories are really happy ones.
I'll talk more later... think I have already talked alot todae... haha
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:09 AM  |
Friday, October 01, 2004 |
Singapore Idol comments |
Warning: Below comments may be harmful and distressing to supporters of Jerry Ong. Please leave this page if you feel that you will get offended by what I gonna comment.
I cant believe it!!!!!!!!!!! Jerry is still in the competition!! ATROCIOUS!
okay... maybe I am overreacting. I just cant understand why Jerry is chosen over Jess!! Okay, Jess aint the champion material yet... but at least I feel that her character is abit more likeable than Jerry's. Maybe I am picking bones out of an egg but I feel that he's too sincere... Abit fake to be very frank. Okay, dun shoot me but this is purely my opinion. He's a good singer... in karaoke. I dunno... his voice leaves me with an impression- a bad one. I aint a fantastic singer myself; in fact I can safely say my voice is worse than his. At least Jerry's voice got some techniques.
But I dunno lah... is Singapore Idol a popularity contest? Or a talent cum popularity contest? Somehow I feel that Singaporeans aint voting for talent. Maybe this is a very human thing. PPl will vote for those they know, they love, they like. But they wont necessarily vote for those who are talented. Well, it's an IDOL contest so the contestant must have some people appeal... Hmm.... well, I just hoping that Jerry wont turn out like another Ho Yeow Sun. Well-liked by foreign crowds (?) and church congregation but questioned and doubted by the rest of the Singaporean population...
For one, I support Olinda and Sylvester!! Haha... Bleh. this is all I gonna say. =P
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:34 PM  |
Help!! Camera!! Peace...
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:52 AM  |