Royal Hearing |
Favourite |
(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
Tunes in My Head |
 Create your own Friend Test here |
Wednesday, May 31, 2006 |
my computer is spoilt |
sigh... wanted to upload photos la... do photoshop of photos la... BUT computer or rather my desktop is spoilt. now using my brother's. got the mocktail night to update, lingpin's bdae celebration, the ministry date, the reverse date... the various neoprints i took with my friends... well... it's just been eventful la my life this past week. i may or may not have something (heh) and I just got robbed the other day. siao right? and i got my results. my results aint too bad...and i was robbed a grand total of $1. my wallet had no money la. hahaha... so sad hor for the thief? aniwaes.... tha's it... i shall update more when my desktop is fixed. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:33 AM  |
Tuesday, May 23, 2006 |
judged |
DISCLAIMER: going to be a rather frank entry. only read if u think you can handle emotional writings.
is it sinful pride to feel judged? is it just emotions to feel hurt by sincere input? feeling misunderstood... and judged. please ask me and let me tell you the answers. do not gather pieces here and there and think you have a whole story. your concerns are valid and it's true that truth hurts. thank you for caring enough to want to tell me the truth. yet i cant help but smart from the way it was delivered. am i too perfectionistic in my expectations of other ppl's language? yes i am. do i need to repent on that? yes. nevertheless, please keep input to timing before midnight. perhaps it's just emotions talking now. yes i think it is. sadly but truely, i think God has given me an answer. i really need to come to terms with two hard truths. and it saddens me. thank God that He is always there. to give me hope. and to let me have complete security in Him.
PS: pls dun worry too much. i am just reflecting. not feeling super down or what. just reflection of my feelings by some events. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:50 AM  |
Sunday, May 21, 2006 |
hope |
Because of God, I have hope.
firstly, i must say HAPPY SPIRITUAL BIRTHDAY to my dear dear sister-in-Christ, JOANNA! was feeling teary throughout her sharing but i did not let a tear drop... haha me prideful. she really has triumphed over past struggles and trials. my dear warrior woman, perhaps u feel that u have not yet shed the shackles of ur past totally... but u know what? like a butterfly, the pushing and the struggling from the cocoon will end one day and you will be like a beautiful butterfly with wings strong enough to fly. :) and indeed, you are that. you have a hidden inner strength. yes you may grumble, pout, be depressed, be angry, be impatient... it just shows that you are human. but the fact that you are trying to change in this is the repentance God wants. God doesn't mean for us to be perfect. we are on the race to his kingdom... and we may trip, stumble, falter. but as long we continue to drag our feet even at our downest moments, God is and always will be smiling at u and me. remember ur love seed story.
aniwaes, was doing my quiet time this morning and decided to share about it. usually i do not blog about my quiet time as I am trying to go back to the habit of writing and not be reliant on my computer.
I am just doing one particular verse today: Romans 8:24-25 "For in hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what is seen? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience."
"Now that we are saved, we eagerly look forward to this freedom. For if you already have something, you don't need to hope for it. But if we look forward to something we don't have yet, we must wait patiently and confidently."
"And this hope is what saves us. But if we already have what we hope for, there is no need to keep on hoping. However, we hope for something we have not yet seen, and we patiently wait for it."
Hope is a sacred attitude of the heart and soul. Strangely I remember the story of the Pandora's box where hope is the last thing that was released after the many evils escaped from the box. Indeed, in order to survive in this world where people are getting molded by society's ever-rising expectations, media's distorted perceptions, personal goals of ambition and wealth, etc, hope is something that has been neglected. Hope even seemed like a word that belonged in the fairy tale world for children. It is almost like a dirty word for some people (think of people who are go-getters!). Fortunately, I am in the kingdom. Otherwise I think with the events I have went through (not saying that I suffered alot la) these past few years... if God is not in my life to remind me abt hope... I think I will have seriously messed up my life. God's constant whispering to me that "You can do it, for I am with you, loving you and supporting you in every moment." helped me to stay positive and allowed me to see the silver lining in the trials and obstacles thrown my way. For e.g. I may have grumbled and ranted to God incessantly about my parents cutting off my allowance... but if it was not so, I think I would still be struggling to even want to have financial discipline. if it took me 10 years to learn my bad habits, God has allowed me to start early to change my habits... if my sister did not have the accident, I think my relationship with her will still be characterized by quarrels and arguments (even though I am a Christian). through her I see the urgency of building healthy relationships with my family and to be an inspiration in how I lead my life. if I never scored badly in my exams, I tink I would still be this a student with a nonchalant attitude. if if if if... there are many if's which have taught me many so's... God has guided me each step of the way for the path He wishes me to be on.
With hope, it encourages to have patience with myself and to stay inspired to continue to make progress with the changes I want to see in my life - be it diet, health, discipline, studies, etc. Without hope, I think I would have long given up with my expectations for 'instant' results... With God, at least I can try and try again...
With hope, it reminds me of the light at the end of every dark tunnel I may find myself in. right now, I am going through a rough patch with my health. Really need to entrust God in this area... I have to learn to submit to His will and to do it with a joyful heart. Why? Cos I have hope that is a God-given gift. A gift that He will never withdraw from us. A gift that seems small but big in support.
Amen. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 9:51 PM  |
Friday, May 19, 2006 |
owned by a mouse |
"i'm not very good with it" she softly announced. "dun worry! we will guide you!" the trio chorused. yet after many rounds, the mouse triumphed. indeed, the gentle and the meek shall inherit the kingdom... |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:47 AM  |
Tuesday, May 16, 2006 |
a story about a queen |
this is a very short story about a queen. she was happily married to king straight for almost 22 years when she met the dashing prince curly. haaving accquired a sudden thirst for forbidden excitement, she wilfully entered into unchartered territory with prince curly. alas! after more than a month of turmoil and quarrels and bad hair days, the queen decided to break up with prince curly. king straight was waiting faithfully at the castle and welcomed the queen with open arms. and thus the queena and the king lived happily ever after... or did they? |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:04 PM  |
Sunday, May 14, 2006 |
perhaps |
perhaps she had too much expectations. maybe her love was still conditional. but she had learnt to let go. not giving up. but letting go so that both can grow. she needs to learn to trust. she needs to learn to surrender. she will always want to be there for you. but... you do need to look for her. it pains her to see how you toss and turn how past events still caged your heart in. not fully understanding but she could relate. she also have similar doubts and fears. both have seen the passge of a decade's time together. she does want to see the next few decades with you. yet she also has to come to terms that she is not responsible. she has to learn not to be a mother. to not worry incessantly. to hand over the burdens to Him. she loves you deeply but... she also has to learn to love herself. relationships will never be perfectly fair but it does have to try to attain a reasonable balance. she wants to walk the rest of the path with you but the path she could walk is limited. it's up to you to see how yours and her path could connect and continue the both of you on the journey. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:42 AM  |
Saturday, May 06, 2006 |
a delayed reaction to the elections |
typing this as the results of the general elections are being announced. have meant to blog about my view on it (is this illegal?? shall make it merely personal comments. heh) but exams and other issues clogged my mind. yeah clogged. haha. in the just published (like few mins plus ago) post, i said i was in a contemplative mood. well, that's on my emotional and general mood level. in one of the more deeper recesses of my mind, a level devoted to logic (more seldom used hehe) was awakened. confounded anyone yet? aniwaes... was having a good chat with my dad about it. I was commenting that it's true la perhaps the Singapore government with its one-party dominance is not a perfect nor ideal form of democratic governance la. but i think sometimes, we need to take other issues into context. Singapore IS a unique country with unqiue issues. We are a small small (red dot!) country with a diverse mix of different races. We are also in a interesting position of being a Chinese dominated country among a region with mostly Muslim-dominated countries. We have zilch natural resouces. perhaps what I am saying is nothing new la. but what I do feel is that it's of course ideal to have opposition in the government. but please do not vote just because of that. our vote should be dependent on the credibility and ability of the candidate. Some opposition candidates are pretty much crappy and some are pretty decent. Those crappy ones include those who just sashay to singapore during election time, make a small hoo-haa then go back to USA and then complain and complain about how the Singaporean government is so oppressive... (disclaimer: i am going to let off some steam about this guy first ah) if you like to comment so much, please give some constructive feedback. what i mean by constructive is suggest with DETAILED plans how u gonna improve on the areas u feel the current ruling party is lacking in. dun just fling in a few topics then act controversial then go crying to USA's human rights groups. Singaporeans are not as blind and stupid. We may turn a blind eye to certain things but to your behaviour? Sorry. We cant see you acting in Singapore's interest. NOT AT ALL. At least Mr Low Thia Kiang got some results to back up. He is specific and proves his ability. You are just famous for being a good entertainer or good newspaper folder during election time. NOT a good politician we can vote for. And that's that. (disclaimer: okay I am done! haha) I dunno la. Perhaps I am considered as a conversative or what. I did scoff at the creation of Speaker's Corner. I also joked about the Progress Package. I did also make fun of the often-standard bureacratic reply in the Forum of local newspapers. I also complained about the fee hikes in school fees and transport fee. I also joked abt the succession in our prime ministers. I also was quite cynical about the apathetic nature of young Singaporeans in general to local politics. haha.... but then. i think so far, the ruling party had more or less consistently churned out more able politicans as compared to the oppositions parties la (with exception of Chiam See Tong and Low Thia Kiang). heh. okay gonna go watch the news. blog later. :P |
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:27 PM  |
smoked pork, anyone? |
Yesterdae night, the campus ministry had our bbq bibletalk!! yeah~! haha one of the first time I was not in charge of getting the food. felt abit like a fish out of water at first but it was good that I am learning to do other things... :)
went over to Sera's hse early to whip up abit of my mushrooms in cream sauce and potato salad as additional accompaniments to the food. slacked abit here and there... played with her doggie... or rather terrorized it. bleahz. then marvelled @ the amount of food in Sera's fridge (thanks Sera and Lingpin for getting and preparing the food!). most of the brothers came over to sera's place to help carry stuff which was very thoughtful... then started to move out(very military term hor?) to the sembawang interchange to take bus to sembawang park. met up with the rest of the sisters and friends there... I shant continue on the mundane details haha. basically weekeong came and gave us a thought-provoking question about 'yeast' and how God can use us despite the negative name it was given to it by previous religious leaders. then started the bbq... haha i truly felt like a piece of char siew meat for awhile. dunno why sera's hair still smelt so nice... perhaps the smoke stuck to me ba. haha it was also quite cute to see Poernomo so insistent to do the bbq haha. a brother with a great heart for learning... no wonder doing his PhD at such young age. ah...then we started to play childhood games... though I must sae I never play the Marco Polo much before... haha though i think i overexerted @ my age and my current stamina and strength. banged my ankle agst the metal pole while attempting to swing from one spot to another spot. wanted to try acrobatics like the brothers. haha... though I think some of them forgot that they are actually older and taller so also easier to catch due to larger body mass. haha some moments were so farnie. laughed so much yesterdae... we were really out of ourselves la... even the friends also played with gusto. haha. then stayed overnight @ sembawang park though erm.... think perhaps i really shld have just gone to sera's hse to stay overnight or gone home retrospectively. though i did enjoy the late-night chat with lingpin, poernomo, sera and pat. but i was also falling asleep. think my latenight stamina being worn out due to the exam weeks. bleah. sigh... dunno why feeling a bit sad yet happy also. think cos I am graduating liao. no longer student of NUS. cant sae I was one of the most hardworking student in NUS nor one of the most actively involved student. haha but i enjoyed my times in NUS... especially the daes where i would go for a mini-window shopping trip in Central Co-Op during the breaks of exams... the first two years had one of the best memories... not saying these 2 years not as good. just that the number was fewer so the activities that could be engaged was also fewer... (eh if it's confusing sorry ah. hehe). i think when the alumni came back this semester to had dinner with us during our exam period, i had thought at first i would merely be more encouraged by the presence (in the sense that i would not be so discouraged by their lack of presence la :P)... then when they came... wah. it really encouraged me la. i really really felt very touched and nostalgic. those times of morning devos (8am!!) at Central Library rooftop. Lunchtime evangelism during exam time. Morning devos at the stadium. Bible talks @ Blk A. Bible talks @ PGP. Prayers with the different sisters. the wacky meal times. the constant same jokes (it's still farnie!!). the NUS humour. Mugging together. Learning dance together. Raising funds together. Rehearsing for Campus Sunday together. Training for the Olympics together (TUG-OF-WAR!! Roar!! hehe). the cookouts together (I miss you, Zhengfang jie!). the birthday celebrations. the grad nights (haha the dunking and eggs... bleahz). wah... so many good times... sigh. now I am no longer a student. though i think i will stay in campus for a while longer... the fact is i am no longer a student... and that saddens me. not that the thought of moving on is scary...just that life as a student is just more desirable for me at the moment. me in a contemplative mood. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:34 PM  |
Friday, May 05, 2006 |
Wala Wala |
Hahaha... just came back from Wala Wala... drank my fave 2 drinks!!! Lychee Martini (I am holding it in the picture) and Lime Magarita. Will update more tml... hehe. :)
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:33 AM  |
Wednesday, May 03, 2006 |
Pen stunt video |
for those who loves to play and fiddle with your pens... new tricks!
click on this link!!! |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:08 AM  |
Tuesday, May 02, 2006 |
my love story (?) |
Got an email from a friend about doing this interesting test... so as I was feeling drowsy I went to do the test before I go back to my revision (!!!). and tadah. here's my primary and secondary love story. It really made me smile all the way... heh not telling you all why. *grin* (i did leave some comments in italics~) [I have included the link to the test liao. u might have to register urself.;)] disclaimer : if u feel uncomfortable reading such stuff about me, pls do not read it. thanks. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Loving Too Much is your primary Love Story
The Loving Too Much story stems from your overflowing love and hope. Sometimes, however, it can be muddied by misguided feelings, expectations and sometimes, an unrequited desire. (hmmm... okay quite a general start...)
The people you're most attracted to are usually just out of reach and all the more alluring for it — like those early crushes on teen idols. The less available your partner is, emotionally and physically, the more desirable he becomes. (eh... not realli. lol i dun think i am so pain-selfinflicting-freak.)
You daydream (okay, this is true), and your imagination fills in the details that reality hasn't provided. Do you ever seek out indirect contact with this person, visiting his workplace or getting to know his friends? Do you find yourself dreaming about marriage after a second date, or perhaps after a quick affair(me a THIRD PARTY??? *faints*)? The hit film "Fatal Attraction" illustrates an extreme version of the Loving Too Much story — taking it to abnormal levels. What it doesn't fully explore is the capacity for love that you probably possess.
People who share your story have plenty to offer, but they tend to put too much love into someone they shouldn't. Some people also interpret their partner's actions as they want to, not necessarily as they were intended. Sometimes this happens because they spend more time focusing on the fantasy of a relationship rather than the reality of one. It is also possible that you assign characteristics of your last love to the person you are dating. (hahahahaha...)
Psychologists see people projecting all the time. Projecting feelings about one person onto another. Do you know the person you have developed feelings for, or are you projecting what they might be like because they seem to match what you want in life? Do you fall for anyone in a lab coat because you want to marry a doctor? Do you ignore strong feelings for a long-time friend because he isn't a doctor? (a bit Freudian here aint it?)
The Greeks had Venus and the Romans had Aphrodite. Your archetypal love story has been filling the pages of literature and poetry for centuries, though recently it's been negatively promoted by Hollywood. In film, the extreme form of your story can be found in the stalker of "Play Misty for Me." But let's not forget the classic "Cyrano De Bergerac," whose obsession with a woman is stymied by his fear she'll reject him over the size of his nose. In a more contemporary version of the tale, "The Truth About Cats and Dogs," Janeane Garofalo plays a woman obsessed with a man she's too afraid to court herself. These love stories are powerful precisely because they are shared by so many. Though the settings change, the story remains the same.
Loving Too Much is about the things in life that you don't think you can have, then learning to create a more realistic ideal for yourself and your partner. It's about working through the fear of rejection, insecurities, and overwhelming longing to love wholly and completely. (haha... hmmm food for thought eh?)
How your love story affects you and your relationships Absence certainly makes your heart grow fonder — especially when it comes to your love story. Do you embrace romances that are, by necessity, somewhat distant? Do you gravitate towards long-distant relationships or affairs with married people? Do you tend to feel the people you're interested in are always unavailable or out of your league?
When you fall, do you fall hard, or do you immediately develop feelings for someone else? When a relationship ends, do you take it personally? And when it comes to crushes, do you find yourself thinking about the person while you're buying a new pair of shoes, doing laundry, drying your hair? Some people also go out of their way to grab their crush's attention. When you're in a relationship, you might go all out: flowers, dinners, gifts and notes. Sometimes these gestures are appreciated; but sometimes they come off as coming on too strong.
Your take-charge attitude isn't limited to things of love. You might be assertive in your career, and other relationships as well. You may be overcompensating for an earlier disappointment by overachieving in current realms of your life. If your undivided attention to your partner arises out of wanting someone who's out of reach, you might fill your life with as many cues to that person as possible. Is your closet stuffed with photographs, favorite songs, old emails, and other mementos? Do you repeatedly go over real and imagined scenarios — chance meetings and romantic encounters — in your mind? If the object of your desire is someone who rejected you, these feelings may be even stronger. You imagine that getting back together will magically erase painful feelings of sadness and anger.
Regardless of how your past stories have played out, you are capable of finding the right person. Just make sure you're not lying to yourself or to him and let go of past fears of rejection and inadequacy. Your love story has a happy ending after all. An ending that will appreciate just how deeply you give yourself to your relationships. (kurara... haha... this reminds me of sth. :P)
How to avoid common mistakes Obsession is a natural thing — it's how we maintain that rush of excitement after first meeting someone. Thoughts about them dominate our brains almost as if we can spend more time with them in our heads even if we can't spend more time with them physically. But if these initial thoughts and fantasies go on for too long, if they become compulsive, you're heading down the wrong path. If you allow thoughts about this potential partner to distract you from your responsibilities or from doing things that you used to like to do, you might want to stop for a moment and question yourself. Have you grown out of your previous hobbies because it was time, or because you are trying to be someone new for this person? That's not always a bad thing, but it is something you should at least ask yourself.
Also, find the courage to think about why you are interested in this person in particular. Does he look like someone you once dated — could that be why you overlook some of his less attractive qualities? Does he share a profession or background common to someone you wish you were still with? If so, challenge yourself and the possibility that you are projecting past feelings onto a current relationship. Even if you are, you can redirect your attention and learn to focus more on getting to know this man. You may even surprise yourself and discover that his unique qualities are a better match for you than any you could have dreamed up on your own. (... ohhh another hmmm)
How to recognize someone who's healthy for you The difference between a healthy relationship and past ones is the feelings are mutual. No more heart-wrenching breakups followed by long, slow recovery periods for you! With patience and devotion, you'll land a great catch. You'll feel good about yourself, confident that the relationship is strong. And what a relief that your significant other will feel the same way.
If the roots of your complete focus on your partner lie in insecurity, then a healthy relationship will only be with someone who adores you for who you are and makes you feel great about yourself. Although a long-distance relationship might work out for you, in general you'll get more fulfillment in the long run out of a person who's more available.
As with all love stories, yours is just a story — though one that affects you deeply. You can find ways to use your drive in positive ways, pushing you to improve yourself or make the most of a happy relationship. Knowing your story and its roots in your psychology and life experiences, you also have the power to move beyond it, letting go of those huge crushes once and for all and finding yourself a love that will indeed endure the test of time.
Love Conquers All is your secondary Love Story (sounds so fairytale hor?) At its core, the Love Conquers All story is very romantic, triumphant, and full of courage to face yourself with honesty. The catalyst for change in your love story is usually a pivotal event, circumstance, or reevaluation of yourself.
Where should you look for these pivotal moments? Challenges may come from family and society — even yourself. Do loved ones disapprove of your partner, raise concerns you hadn't previously cared that much about? Turning points may also stem from previous obligations at work, or in promises you've made to others. Do you reschedule or delay plans with your partner because you feel the need to honor responsibilities at the office? Do you prioritize taking care of a friend in need over the needs of your mate?
These themes are echoed throughout history and recorded in diaries, novels, television and films. In Jane Austin's novel "Emma" for example, the protagonist put everybody else's romantic needs before her own. Had she not stopped to question herself, she would have missed a chance for love altogether. Was she just looking after her friends? Or was she guarding herself from the potential hurt of a relationship or unrequited love? (I LOVE THE BOOK!eh i love alot of books. lol)
Ambition to be loyal to loved ones, move ahead at work, improve your home, see the world — these are all good things. But sometimes, they take precedence over your love life — whether you are conscious of it or not. That's not necessarily a bad thing, but think about it. Are you ever afraid of being held back from your goals? Or that a relationship might make attaining those goals a slower process, or change them completely?
Remember Nicolas Cage in the film "Family Man"? Through a strange twist of fate, he's given the opportunity to see life as it might have been had he gotten married instead of pursued successes at work. Though fantastical and magical, he experiences a jarring event, and through it, realizes he has different priorities. He would give up his important job and expensive belongings to be with the one woman he realizes he truly loves. And he realizes that his initial choice to pursue his career instead of pursue his relationship was driven not by his hopes for success, but his fear of taking on the seriousness of his relationship. With this insight, he has the courage to face himself, not preexisting hopes and goals.
Even if fate doesn't throw obstacles in your way, it's possible that you do. Do you shy away from romantic commitments? Do you make excuses for not dating? Do you wish your relationships never progressed passed the lovey-dovey stage? Are the people you date "all wrong" for you? There's a reason you're holding back from pursuing a good thing. You may put excuses between you and another person, or you may intentionally pick the wrong person to give you an out, an alternative to getting serious. The real courage in your love story comes from taking a good look at yourself, and questioning your motivations.
Once you recognize this as your story, you will indeed have the courage and the insight to question yourself and make a commitment, or break with someone before external events force you to. In this manner, Courage is one of the most noble and truthful love stories out there.
In "Notting Hill," Julia Roberts plays a movie star whose career (not to mention awful boyfriend) get in the way of a fledgling romance with a London bookseller (Hugh Grant). In "Autumn in New York," a cheating playboy played by Richard Gere finds himself in love with a dying 22-year-old. Will he mend his ways before it's too late? The love story that drives these plots is the same that drives your fantasies and relationships, which is why these stories can be so powerful. Of course, in the movies it's always clear just whom the lead person should hook up with. In real life, it's quite a bit harder. Love Conquers All, and now you're equipped to find it.
How your love story affects you and your relationships Whether you realize it or not, you might be slightly at odds with yourself when it comes to matters of love. On the one hand, you might be ready for the love of your life. On the other hand, you might want to protect yourself from a potential hurt should that love not work out. Do you view love suspiciously at times? Avoid the traditional trappings of romance — flowers, chocolates, and Valentine's Day? Perhaps you've had your heart broken one too many times, or you so desperately want a true love, that you are almost afraid of failing on your way to it.
At times, you can be fiercely independent. Though, painful memories of a past relationship, or aspirations to success in other areas of your life, can sometimes make you less of a risk-taker in the land of love. Do you have tunnel vision unless a dramatic event grabs your attention? Maybe you equate settling down with the right person as a one-way ticket to the retirement community. You may avoid relationships altogether, or you may prefer to keep them casual. Do you have a reputation for being a player? Do you date lots of people at once, preventing any one relationship from going too far? Or do you tend to make excuses when it comes to romance, placing work or other obligations in between you and a potential lover?
On one level, your love story is driven by an underlying faith that "the one" is out there waiting for you. On another level, you might not want to search for it because you don't want to fail in finding it. Whatever the basis, fear probably contributes to your story, whether fear of commitment, fear of settling down, fear of rejection, or fear of what other people may think. If your partner comes from a different background - social, ethnic, economic, you might be afraid to introduce friends to him.
Fortunately, love is stronger than whatever challenges you might face. Though you may subconsciously sabotage aspects of a relationship to protect yourself, love will likely prove stronger. When given the choice to walk away or take a chance with a soul mate, you will take the chance when it is right. And remember, you are not bound to this love story. Once you understand it and the role it plays in your life, you can make the most of it, or you can decide it's no longer working for you and that it's time to move on.
How to avoid common mistakes Love could be staring you in the face, and you might not even see it. The biggest pitfall for you is letting your issues get in the way of a good thing. You need to expand your vision and consider the big picture. If some experience or situation has soured you on love, or has made it too unbearably perfect to stand, it's time to address it! Confidence in yourself and optimism in the future will keep you from missing out on something truly special.
It's okay to have standards and rules, but make sure you haven't built a fortress around yourself. Our values change as we grow older. When's the last time you rethought the direction you're heading in life? Revaluate what's most important to you — not to others, not to the dreams you had when you were 15 or 20 or 31 — what's important to you now, at this moment, at this age? Don't be afraid to change the priorities in your life. You don't get points for following previous life dreams if they no longer represent your current hopes and desires.
How to recognize someone who's right for you Romance for you begins with a sudden, unexpected rush. It's probably a gut feeling you have about someone that you subsequently squelch or question. Maybe the person is your opposite, which is why his contrasting characteristics jar you into noticing him. Or perhaps you share such a strong, common, interest, you can't believe he's finally arrived after all of these years. (this sounds... so dramatic. but quite me. haha!!!)
Someone who's right for you will probably show up unexpectedly, but the surprise will get your attention. Once you're looking, prepare to be impressed. Did you realize your quiet colleague was also an accomplished musician? Has it suddenly dawned on you that your best friend is attracted to you? You have more fun with your dentist than anyone you've met in ages. Your next-door neighbor cooks like a four-star chef. Who knew?
Of course, you won't see anyone who's right for you, if you're not looking. So lose the shades! If you're dating multiple people at once, why not whittle it down to the one who really interests you? Maybe you should be single for awhile. That might make it easier for someone to approach you. Haven't dated in a year? It's time to figure out why. Look at how you're spending your time. Is one area of your life taking up more than its fair share? Maybe you've met someone you want to be with, but there's some obstacle between the two of you. This will be a true test of your devotion. Overcome it, and you'll form a deeper bond.
It's okay to be picky! Maybe your reluctance has protected you from bad mistakes, but maybe it's prevented you from seeing a true love standing right in front of your face. Now that you understand your love story, you're equipped with knowledge that can keep you from missing a good opportunity. You can take charge of your love story and make it work for you, or move on. Whatever you decide, your independence and courage will take you far in life and in love. Indeed, in your happy ending, Love Conquers All. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 7:31 PM  |
Monday, May 01, 2006 |
unnamed poem |
Ruffling through the pages the images flashed before her eyes Should she or should not perhaps it's best she stopped Shutting the pages forcefully she decides to buy a new book With the new blank crisp sheets the future does not seem so bleak She gathers up the memories once so longed and wipes away the single tear.
-buttercup2Labels: in creative mode |
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:16 PM  |