Royal Hearing |
Favourite |
(Proverbs 31:25-26) "She is clothed with strength and dignity; She can laugh at the days to come. She speaks with wisdom, and faithful instruction is on her tongue." |
Tunes in My Head |
 Create your own Friend Test here |
Sunday, April 30, 2006 |
troubles |
Sadness carries such a weight that twisted the heart so; Like a bird with fettered wings flight is only felt when on swings. Walking in the rain... does not lighten any pain. Cause remained unknownst to all but one but the wish for answers has come to none. Troubles not hard to relate... just too sour for any palate. Stuck on a collision course yet rescue is still on pause. This is getting too long... words slid into a swan song.
- buttercup2Labels: in creative mode |
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:53 PM  |
Friday, April 28, 2006 |
stress |
found these links via a friend's blog. basically the more stressed you are the faster the graphics will move. for young children (so-called zero stress), the graphics are not moving at all since they are NOT animations. * * *
it was moving at a moderate speed for me... so i am moderately stressed??? hahaha. go try it out. :)Labels: in creative mode |
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:20 PM  |
Wednesday, April 26, 2006 |
meme |
I am supposed to be studying for my History & Systems of Psychology exam tomorrow... but I am saturated with facts! taking a 5 min break. haha i type and think fast k?
Maybe I should just go to sleep early for my paper tomorrow.
I love my family, friends, church. and my books. and my food. and my music. and... neverending list la.
I don’t understand why my bones are so dense. lol. no. I don't understand why there's so much prejudice and hate in the world... sigh.
My ex is someone who showed me how love can hurt. REALLY hurt.
I lose my cool when I am stuck in a psuedo-haunted house (ask Ronald and Quek), when I meet seriously fake ppl, when my level of tolerance hits zero (very rare, though luckily), when I see lizards (*can relate to Mari!!).
People say I am loud. And speak very fast. I disagree. You are just slow. =P
Love is unconditional like how a man died on the cross just to allow me a chance to Heaven. Love is loving the person so much that it hurts. Love hurts... and heals your worst wounds also.
I will always ask "Why?". I have many many lives. haha.
Forever is only where God is.
I never want to eat food cooked by people with no cook's ethics! haha boycott the takopachi store @ plaza singapura basement 2.
I think the current US President needs to read the newspapers more.
When I wake up in the morning, I switch off my alarm and go back to sleep again.
I get annoyed when I am asked to do something at last minute.
Kisses are overrated. it's just an exchange of saliva. it's the emotions and meaning behind the action that holds the significance.
I really want to start gaining back my sporty look!
I really need to go hit the books for one more hour before i sleep! |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:06 AM  |
Tuesday, April 25, 2006 |
victoria-speak |
just going to type another quickie post. i realise that there's a new language in campus. it's called victoria-speak. haha so... now's a small quiz for u all! (pls put the answers at the tagboard)
1. "Heng ah" means a) very lucky b) very satisfied c) very full d) very happy. 2. I pronounce roast pork rice as a) cha1 shao1 fan b) cha3 shao1 fan c) cha1 shao3 fan d) cha3 shao3 fan. 3. I order fried carrot cake like this. a) cai dou ge b) cai tou ge c) cai dou kueh d) cai tou kueh. 4. I often say this to express my surprise or frustration. a) shoots! b) sheesh! c) darn! d) man! 5. I say this to you when you are sick or unwell. a) you ah... (then start nagging) b) wah piang... (then start nagging) c) aiyo... (then start nagging) d) alamak... (then start nagging) 6. I rarely speak in this kind of tone. a) sarcastic b) hyper c) girly d) bored.
please do state your answers according to the alphabet like * qn 1, you just type the alphabet of the answer u think is correct. :) haha. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:35 AM  |
emotion-speak |
just gonna type this entry before I go to bed...
well. think me been feeling abit topsy-turvy recently. one moment all the way dooooooown. one moment all the way uuuuuuuup. quite tiring and quite unnerving to see myself that way. it's been some time since i have such mood swings... and still survive sufficiently to live another day. i just wanna sae thanks for my dearest friends, Clara, Jen, Joanna (not in order of merit) for just being such good listeners and just reinforcing what I already knew but just needed to hear again. relationships is my weakest point and the best foothold for our enemy cos I struggle the most to surrender to God in this area. yet I think it is also my strongest forte as well as I like to be able to relate to people, to listen, to just be there. yet I often forget i am not God. i cant effect changes in people's lives just like tat (imagine my fingers snapping). i have to learn to surrender and learn to accept the limited role I actually play. i cant be in control of everything. God does ask me to be encouraging and loving to others. ...but He never asks to be responsible in changing someone's life or mindset or perception. funnily enough, this is truly repeated in what i am studying as well. the best helper/counseller is not someone who can solves the helpee's problems promptly and easily. the best helper is someone who guides the helpee (with minimum interference but with lots of encouragement and reassurance and empathy) to learn how to grow in the direction the person chooses. basically a counseller is there to facilitate growth. and it's also repeated in the bible. as disciples, we are to sharpen one another. but when it comes to entrusting someone with problems, the first person we should run to is God. Cos only He can handle all the problems without stress, without feelings of inadequacy, without feelings of resentment or negativity. He will not doubt the consequences of the advice He has given. hey, i am not saying that i dun wanna be part of people's lives or continue to love other people. what i feel is that i need to learn what i can do and cannot do. and after knowing all that, i need to accept it. otherwise i think i will be one burnt out counseller soon. thanks God for teaching me this precious lesson again and again. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:45 AM  |
Sunday, April 23, 2006 |
happiness |
can say that i am inspired by mari's entries... so full of real-ness and endearing, her entries are. yeah yoda-speak.
was just thinking about this? what's happiness? how do you define happiness? when do you feel happy?
happy is me when i can watch the last 40 mins of my favourite movie, "Someone Like You". yeah... i just LOVE hugh jackman. (sorry brothers for any offense :P)
happy is me when my mom cooks tofu for me! lovely lovely braised tofu, tofu soup, steamed tofu... the list can go on.
happy is me when i listen to my favourite songs... like David Tao's Jiu Shi Ai Ni, Daniel Chan's Liu Xing Sheng Ling Yu, Jewel's Stand, etc.
happy is me when I get a message from my friends. (yes a message from you all can make my day.)
happy is me when I hear good news or just sharing my faith with someone open.
happy is me when I smell chocolate. (even though I cant eat them yet.)
happy is me when I smell Oceanus. (yeah! it's not a toilet smell k.)
happy is me when I draw and draw and I managed to finished the drawing without tearing more than 2 pieces of paper.
happy is me when I get a reply from people when I ask them sth thru sms. (haha!!)
happy is me when I get my pay!
happy is me when I see my prayers answered.
happy is me when I get hugged tight (ie. Sera is a very good hugger!).
happy is me when I get mothered by other ppl. (not Smothered.)
happy is me when I just am alive to see another day.
happy is me when I smell rain.
happy is me when I see and know that God is with me every single moment of every single day of my life.
yeah. i am happy~ |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:35 AM  |
Saturday, April 22, 2006 |
bleahz |
having paper... in exactly 8hrs from now. finished studying for it liao.. felt a bit emo after prayer night. weird huh? supposed to have handed to God all my burdens and worries... sigh... pls God help me just think about my exams and being focused on doing well for all of them. help me not focus on anything else... besides my r/s with you and the lost. pls... sigh I think i just wanna let matters of the heart (ie emotions and other icky stuff) remain in the shelves for a while. will settle them after 4th may. signing out. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:07 AM  |
Monday, April 17, 2006 |
footprints |

now feeling abit disoriented... by the spate of events that happened. prayed a while ago... and came up with this picture... cos truly God is always the one carrying us... when we are having trials. but we tend to forget his presence IS with us and not agst us or ignoring us... amen... Thanks, God.
ranted by Jerraine @ 11:20 PM  |
Friday, April 14, 2006 |
a disturbing self-discovery |
I went to to see which celebrities I might resemble
to my gasps of surprise mingled with horror...
below are the people i look like...
I AM A GIRL WITH NO BEARD!! how come i look like tsui hark!! argh... JAY CHOU??? i got double-eyelidded eyes! *faints*

ranted by Jerraine @ 10:46 PM  |
one of my favourite songs |
 must say i only noticed this song after listening to Zhi yang singing it during Campus Superstar semi-finals. haha... well Zhiyang is the male student from Hwa Chong Institution who got crowned the overall champion. He has a very clear, crisp tenor voice. Can sing David Tao's songs very well... almost all his songs during the competition are from David Tao. eh... okay why am I going ga-ga over him, or rather, over his voice? cos his voice, though young, is not that polished but sounds smooth enough to touch my heart. his voice seem to really contain the emotions of the songs very well... ahh can't wait for him album!! but then... he's still a student. haha so unlikely for him to come up with an album soon especially when the music companies all write him off as merely a very good voice but not a easy singer to market. (Why? Because there's quite alot of R&B and soul type singers in the market right now... think David Tao, Zhang Zhi Chen, etc... and they all have an edge over Zhiyang. They are composers! Zhiyang is merely a teenager with a voice that can touch people's hearts. These famous singers also have that ability... =P)
aniwaes... I am showing the above song's lyrics... cos i really like the meaning. it's about simplicity of love. kinda similar to the wedding singer's theme song... =) okay I am going to translate.. haha (i am supposed to be studying...but I am totally smitten by the song... i can listen to it 100 times repeatedly and never get sick of it. hehe)
English translation of the song : Jiu Shi Ai Ni (Just Loving You)
I always wish to tell you that you give me unexpected happiness like how an oasis is to a desert to tell you that you will always by my side to be my roots my wings to let me fly and have a nest to return to I am willing I also can give everything without feeling the pinch just for us to be together to see time pass by want to remember the way we love each other
Chorus: Just loving you, loving you. Have its sadness and joys. Having you gives meaning to the mundane. Just loving you loving you. Sweet and assuring. That kind of feeling is just you.
I always wish to tell you that you give me unexpected happiness
like how an oasis is to a desert
to tell you that you will always by my side to be my roots my wings to let me fly and have a nest to return to I am willing really willing to give everything to still protect you oh just for us to be together to see time pass by please remember the way I love you oh just loving you, loving you. Not giving up nor leaving. Not minding the storms along the journey. Just loving you, loving you. Putting you in my palm and giving all the brightest happiness to you. oh just loving you, loving you I am willing. just lovin you, loving you want us to be together. ---------------------------------------------------------
*thud* (Newsflash: A female 4th year undergraduate has just fainted due to an unknown reason. She has fainted in front of her desktop, with its screen showing the lyrics of a popular chinese song. Her family are puzzled by the fainting incident and suggests that perhaps she might have been too overwhelmed by the coming exams...)
This is going to be one of the songs that's gonna be played at my wedding. haha. bleahz. In perspective, this song also portrays how God loves me!
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:53 AM  |
Wednesday, April 12, 2006 |
funny moment |
warning ah... if u have yet to watch Ice Age 2, you might not wanna see this... alot of spoilers below! haha.
aniwaes... met up with brothers and sisters today to watch Ice Age 2. Been some time since I entered a cinema and had such a good raw laugh without any dirty jokes or times when I need to avert my eyes. Ah... good old cartoon movies. So sweet. So funny. So simple. And yet I must say this movie was pretty good. It was simple and yet it doesn't make me feel like an airhead. It still contained some pretty good puns and is adult-friendly (in terms that adults wont be bored to death inside unlike Barbie's Pegasus etc..) haha... love the parts where the female mammoth kept thinking she's a possum. And I love the sloth also... he so farnie. He's irritating but pretty street-wise. Just not a very self-aware guy though. haha. Love the chipmunk and his obssession with the acorn... some of the farniest moment came from him... reminded me eerily of Charlie Chaplin. No dialogue but the antics are just soo farnie. hehe. had a good laugh... and can feel a whole load of burden (aka exams etc) off my back.
after that had a good dinner with the christians... haha must appreciate siow kow and his lamb song... haha it's sung according to the tune "LOVE" (remember the advert?) lemme type it out here... hehe
LAMB L is for the way i look at ewe A is for the awesome taste in stew M is many many chops a plenty plenty B is for the way u belch when u have had too much of.. Lamb is all that i can give to u Lamb is more than jus a meat to chew Meat is tasty and its better than all kinds of pastry Lamb is meant for me and uuuuuuuuu.... (ewe?)
composed by SiowKow (when he was having insomia one night)
hehe okai... me just gonna end here. *secret birthday wish from now on: I want CDs! Original CDs!!
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:19 AM  |
Tuesday, April 11, 2006 |
Goodbye |
From a few thosand, you were pruned to a couple of hundred many memories attached to those left behind memories of happiness and sadness memories of anger and forgiveness memories of depression and acceptance memories of craziness and reflection many many memories deleted with just one button. ------------------------------------------------------------ Perhaps I am abit exaggerated la... being so sad that I deleted all my mp3s... but hey... I dun even throw my primary school textbooks away until 2 years ago.... I am a collector and very reluctant to throw away stuff one... It's also a sin of mine ba... I never quite see me keeping those music mp3s as stealing ba... Din wanna see it that way cos like this the whole world also thieves liao... but then, I should do the right thing... If I cant even do the right thing in this small matter and I wish to compromise, how else can I hold fast in my convictions in big issues?
Jesus prayed to His Father: “Sanctify them in the truth; Your word is truth. As You sent Me into the world, I also have sent them into the world. For their sakes I sanctify Myself, that they themselves also may be sanctified in truth.” (John 17:17-19) Jesus came to Earth and in doing that gave up all the glory He had just to come to and save our souls. He came to demostrate how to follow the will of our Father and showed us as God's word is truth that we should also follow God's word in our lives and in letting God show us the purpose.
“And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove (demonstrate) what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect." (Romans 12:2) And this verse helps me to remind myself that even though downloading is such a rampant thing to do in the world, I should not be follow the world! I should be following God's Word... and looking @ His truth. "Thou shalt not steal" is what I should be looking at.
And most importantly... in "Don't you know that a little yeast works through the whole batch of dough?" (1 Corinthians 5:6) It's about how a little sin of compromise can cause rot in my entire spiritual life. Thank you, God, for giving me the Bible. |
ranted by Jerraine @ 12:36 AM  |
Sunday, April 09, 2006 |
i like the sea... |

think this blog is becoming a gallery ... was in hospital in the wee hours today... why? because I was attacked by a virus. yeah... victoria was taken down by a miniscule virus. the worst thing was the doc also not sure abt the virus... said can be a kind of flu virus or some uncategorized virus. i was like O_o... well... felt a lot as I was in hospital. felt almost that i was going to die or something at one very frightened actually... but then a calm came over me. i was actually shivering non-stop at that time... but a warmth literally filled my heart. i think the Holy Spirit was trying to make sure my soul don't get cold... to reassure me... thanks God for being such a reassuring God. gonna put up some of my psych class photos next time... think on weds ba after i photoshop them... now going into full swing revision mode... but still have a case study to clear... bleahz.
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:37 PM  |
untitled |

decipher this picture... tell me your feelings and views.
ranted by Jerraine @ 1:44 AM  |
Wednesday, April 05, 2006 |
Prayer |

Dear Father, God of Heaven,
Thank you God that you are not the Father of Lies but the Father of Promises. Thank you for being so merciful and loving to the undeserving me. Thank you for just wanting to give me peace by just praying to you even though I cause a lot of grief to you. Thank you for just wanting me to hug me in your arms though I have pushed you away so many times. Thank you for wanting to discipline me still even though I have been defiant again and again. Thank you for giving me countless chances to repair the mistakes I have made though these mistakes are often my own wrong choices. Thank you for 'installing' the Holy Spirit in me... Though I think I have definitely overworked it. I think it constantly works overtime to make sure I do not sound too arrogant and ungrateful in my everyday conversations with You. Thank you for just being there. Thank you for giving me a hope. Thank you Lord. In Jesus's name, Amen.
Labels: a thousand words has spoketh, in creative mode |
ranted by Jerraine @ 10:12 AM  |